

Action Sports

Action Sports with Leigh Roche

FlatArk BMX Uchino Wins FlatArk and BMX Flatland World Circuit Titles

The BMX Flatland World Circuit final Round 5 was held in Kobe, Japan October 25-26 as part of FlatArk BMX Flatland. FlatArk is a BMX Flat contest created by flatland rider, Yohei Uchino, who wanted to organize a world-class international BMX Flatland event in Japan. This year FlatArk was held in Uchino’s  hometown of Kobe for the first time. The top BMX Flatland riders in the world converged on Kobe and when the dust settled after the head to head battles, Uchino “Ucchie” came out on top, making him BMX Flatland World Circuit champ also- two years in a row!

FlatArk Pro Finals Results

  1. Yohei Uchino
  2. Viki Gomez
  3. Jean William Dub Prevost
  4. Hiro Morizaki


BMX Flatland World Circuit Overall Standings 2014

  1. Yohei Uchino
  2. Viki Gomez
  3. Takahiro Ikeda


Sponsors for FlatArk include: Murasaki Sports, G-Shock, Freegun, Go Pro, SpaceArk, Puma, Tenga,  430, Tioga, Aresbikes,E-Come, Kobe Harborland, Hotel Crown Palais, Shokufukutei,Shinsousha, A-Time, Kobe Designer’s Net, and KTM Kobe.