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  • Written by News Company

Although it’s important to keep your house safe during the winter months, keeping it safe all year round is often something that’s not talked about. There are lots of different dangers that you need to protect your home from throughout the year, so we thought we’d cover the most important ones in this handy guide.

  • Keep Your House Well Heated During The Colder Months

As the temperatures get lower and the weather starts to get worse, it’s important to ensure that your house is well heated. Not only will it provide a safe living environment and protect your family from becoming ill, but it also prevents damp from spreading throughout your home.

Remember, your heating doesn’t need to be on 24/7 in order to keep your house warm, so make a note of how much electricity you’re using and how you can reduce it.

  • Ensure The Outdoor Areas Of Your House Clean All Year Round

Even though it may seem pointless keeping the outdoor areas of your house clean all year round, you’ll definitely be thankful by the time spring and summer come around. Ensuring you regularly trim and wash down your yard and patio mean that it’s much less of a job to when the weather starts to heat up. During the summer, it’s obviously important to keep on top of it week by week, especially if you live in a warmer part of the country.

  • Have Your Boiler Serviced Every Year

Having your boiler serviced every single year means that you can ensure your house is safe. A broken boiler is never a good thing as it can result in no hot water and not heating, something which can be fatal during the winter months. For more information, you can visit the Supagas site.

  • Deep Clean Your House Every 2 Months

The common belief is that you only need to deep clean your house once a year. Whilst this may seem like the most appealing option, it’s definitely not the safest as germs are likely to spread within that amount of time. Try doing a deep clean every two months as it makes your day to day cleaning much easier to keep on top of.

  • Carry Out Repairs As Soon As They Arise

If something breaks in your house it’s tempting to leave it a while before fixing it. Whether it’s because you have a busy schedule or you can’t afford the repairs, waiting to fix things could be dangerous if there are little ones around.

If you can’t fix something immediately, try finding a safe place to store the broken item.
  • Install Surveillance Cameras At The Front And Back Of Your House

If you’re worried about theft and break-ins in your area, consider installing surveillance cameras at both the front and back of your house. If you can’t afford a full surveillance system, you could always install dummy cameras that lead thieves to believe you have security, making it less likely for them to break in.

  • Take Measures To Child Proof Your Home

If you have young ones it’s important to ensure your whole house is child proof. As you know, kids will be into absolutely everything, so no corner should be left unturned. Put stair gates up to block off rooms and staircases, use cupboard locks to step them trapping their fingers and protect plus sockets with covers. If there is anything you think they’ll get into, protect it!

  • Have Someone Check In When You Go On Vacation

If you’re planning on going on vacation, having someone check in on your house is a great way to avoid any thefts occurring. They don’t need to pop in every day, but having them make it look like your home is still being lived in will deter someone from trying to break in (along with your security cameras, of course).

  • Be Careful What You Post On Social Media

Again, if you’re travelling, be careful what you post on social media. If you make it obvious your house is going to be vacated for a long period of time then thieves are more likely to try their luck. If you do want to share photographs from your travels, wait until your back home or set your accounts to private. You’ll feel much safer, leaving you lots of room to enjoy your vacation with your family!

Did we miss any tips? Let us know how you keep your home safe all year round in the comment section below.

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash