
The Property Pack


10 Tips You Need To Know About Wedding and Event Planning

  • Written by News Pronto

Planning a wedding or a significant event can be overwhelming. To gain insight into the lesser-known aspects of event planning, we interviewed Sarah Mitchell, a senior event coordinator at Host Events, one of the leading event planning companies. She shared some invaluable tips to help make your next event a success.

  1. The History of Wedding Traditions "Did you know that some of our modern wedding traditions date back centuries?" Sarah explains. "For example, the concept of a white wedding dress became popular after Queen Victoria wore one in 1840. Understanding the history behind these traditions can add a special meaning to your wedding."
  2. Plan for Unexpected Weather "Weather can make or break an event," Sarah says. "Even if you're planning an indoor event, consider how weather might impact your guests' travel. For outdoor events, always have a contingency plan. A tent rental can be a lifesaver in case of rain or excessive heat."
  3. Timing is Everything "The time of day can significantly impact your event," Sarah advises. "For weddings, a late afternoon ceremony followed by an evening reception is popular, but it might not work for everyone. Think about how the timing will affect your guests' comfort and transportation options."
  4. Don't Underestimate the Importance of Lighting "Lighting can completely transform the atmosphere of an event," Sarah notes. "For example, warm lighting can create a cozy, intimate feel, while bright lighting is more energetic and lively. Consider working with a professional lighting designer to achieve the desired effect."
  5. Seating Arrangements Matter "Who sits where is a big deal," Sarah says. "It might seem trivial, but seating arrangements can affect the flow of conversation and the overall mood of the event. Try to mix guests from different groups to encourage mingling, but be mindful of any potential conflicts."
  6. Wedding Costs and Budget Planning "The average cost of a wedding in the United States is over $30,000," Sarah shares. "To avoid overspending, create a detailed budget and stick to it. Don't forget to factor in hidden costs like taxes, tips, and unexpected expenses."
  7. DIY Can Be Tricky "DIY projects can be a fun way to personalize your event," Sarah acknowledges. "However, they can also add stress and take more time than expected. If you choose to go the DIY route, start early and be realistic about what you can accomplish."
  8. Consider the Sustainability Factor "More couples are focusing on sustainability," Sarah points out. "Choosing eco-friendly vendors, reducing waste, and opting for digital invitations are just a few ways to make your event more environmentally conscious. It's a growing trend in the event planning industry."
  9. Entertainment Choices "Music is a key component of any event," Sarah emphasizes. "Whether you hire a DJ or a live band, make sure they understand your musical preferences. Provide them with a list of must-play and do-not-play songs to avoid any surprises."
  10. Keep Communication Open "Communication with your vendors and guests is crucial," Sarah concludes. "Regular check-ins with your vendors can prevent miscommunication, and keeping your guests informed about the schedule and any changes ensures a smooth event. Consider creating a website or app to keep everyone in the loop."

Following these tips can help you plan a memorable and stress-free wedding or event. By understanding the nuances of event planning, you can ensure that every detail is carefully considered and that your guests have an unforgettable experience. To know more check out