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How to Find Good Books to Read

  • Written by Alison Lurie

Sometimes choosing good books to read can be a bit overwhelming. Like most people out there, you probably do not have any strategy for it. Keep in mind that there are many good books out there, and you only have a limited time. So, how will you know which books are worthy of your time? Perhaps you choose the bestsellers displayed in a Christian book store or any bookstore. Or maybe you choose to go with the classics because they look great on the shelf. Some people grab the first book that they see in a bookstore. At the same time, others choose books that are extensively marketed on every podcast.


Why Don’t Some People Enjoy Reading?


If you don’t know how to find the right books to enjoy, you will most likely end up having a mixture of books. Most probably, some of them are popular, but you don’t enjoy reading them. As a result, reading will easily become a chore, and you will get bored with it. If you read books that you do not like, then the time will come that you do not like to read anymore. It is probably the reason why a lot of people don’t enjoy reading.


A Good Reading Habit Starts with The Books That You Choose


Even if you think you are a bad reader, you probably have read a book that you adored so much. If you have the opportunity, you will keep reading it even if you are about to sleep. However, there are still thousands of books out there that could give you the same feeling. They are simply sitting on the shelves, waiting to captivate you. Perhaps some of these books contain words that could change your life. The key is to find them.


Methods for Selecting Books


First and foremost, if you enjoy reading a particular book, then you can find other books written by this author. Considering that you like the tone and style of this author, aside from the subject, then you will probably adore their other works.


Recommendations can be very helpful. Search for books recommended by people you trust or who are experts about a certain subject.

Do some research and look for books with interesting topics. For instance, books that deal with your current struggles, interests, or areas of your life that you want to improve. Perhaps you can find these books in a Christian book store. In this way, you are reading the books you need to rather than what you feel you should.


Let Other People Borrow Your Books

Perhaps you might think that this is irrelevant and unreasonable. However, if you give other people a chance to read your books, they might return the favour by giving you something that interests you. It is because they already know what your interests are.


Don’t Forget to Read the Bibliography

Bibliographies are relevant. If you have enjoyed reading a particular book, then you must read the bibliography, in case there is any. Here, you can find the things that inspired the author. Keep in mind that it takes reading when writing a book. Also, you can find books that are much older than the ones that you have just read. It is a perfect way of going deeper into a certain topic. You can probably find most of the books that you like through these bibliographies.


Always choose a book that you like reading rather than a book that you feel like reading. These tips can help you in finding your favourite book to read.