5 Useful Tips To Get What You Want From Your Employer Without Losing Your Job
- Written by NewsServices.com

Many people want something more from their employer but are afraid to ask because they are worried that the employer will look unfavourably on them and their demand and then pencil you in for dismissal.
Naturally, dismissing you for a request would automatically be unfair and you would need to engage the services of an unfair dismissal employment lawyer to resolve the issue and get you ab fair payout.
But, the better option is to skip the unfair dismissal and get what you want from your employer without antagonizing them. This is possible.
Request In Writing
The first step must always be to put your request in writing. This makes it official. But, it also creates a paper trail that allows you to ensure you are treated fairly. Your written request should state what you would like and the reasons why this is beneficial to you and the company/why you need the extra.
It should also state an understanding that the employer will need to consider the request and ask to have a meeting in the near future to discuss it further.
This allows the employer time to reflect and the meeting allows you both time to negotiate, ensuring you get the right outcome.
Do Your Job Well
Of course, an employer will always be more inclined to agree to a request if you are a highly valued employee. If you aren’t already then make sure you are seen as a valuable addition to the workforce. Do your job well and don’t be afraid of making suggestions that can improve productivity or morale.
This will be noted and help your request when you put it in.
Check With Colleagues
This is particularly relevant if you are going for a pay rise and feel you are underrated or underpaid. In the past, it was not seen as polite to discuss wages amongst staff. However, today it is a much more accepted practice and promotes equality in the workplace.
Ask others, especially those doing similar roles. If everyone is getting better paid than you then take notes and bring this to the meeting as evidence to win you the pay rise you deserve.
Make It A Win
The best way to get what you want in any negotiation is to make sure everyone involved feels like they are winning. So, if you are making a request to your employer think about what is good about the request for them.
If you can make the employer think they are coming out better off then you are certain to get whatever it is you want from your employer!
Always be Pleasant
Whether you are getting what you want or not, it is important to be civil and pleasant at all times. After all, you want them to know you can be fair and accept their opinion, providing it is backed up by reason. This will make it easier to tackler them in the future when you have another request!