
Friday, March 14, 2025 7:50:21 PM
The Times Real Estate


The Conversation

After Cincinnati, the big question: who are the campus police, anyway?

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imageIt was only in the seventies that campus police came to be formally recognized.C Holmes, CC BY-NC

On July 29, University of Cincinnati police officer Ray Tensing was indicted on murder charges in the shooting death of unarmed motorist Samuel Dubose.

In 2013, University of South Alabama police officer Trevis Austin shot and killed Gil Collar, an...

Read more: After Cincinnati, the big question: who are the campus police, anyway?

Your mobile phone knows where you go and what you do – and maybe even when you're feeling down

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imageHow do you feel?Smartphone via

Today’s smartphones are equipped with powerful sensing capabilities. Using these sensors, your smartphone potentially has a record of how active you are, how much you sleep and where you go. If we look at the data those sensors gather, we can get a pretty good idea of what someone’s...

Read more: Your mobile phone knows where you go and what you do – and maybe even when you're feeling down

Will the administration’s congressional testimony on Iran tilt the balance?

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imageGetting ready for CongressGary Cameron/Reuters

In an all-out promotional blitz, John Kerry spoke at a hastily arranged Q&A July 24 to a Council on Foreign Relations in New York. Five days later, he faced two less restrained audiences, testifying before the House of Representatives’ Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday and turning up...

Read more: Will the administration’s congressional testimony on Iran tilt the balance?

You don't need a dictator to host a successful Olympics, just a strong leader

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imageWhat does it take to lift the Olympic rings?Bolt rings via

When the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) selected Boston to represent its bid for the 2024 Summer Games, it was a surprise to most experts – especially since it was the only city with a formalized opposition movement.

From day one, the bid was plagued with...

Read more: You don't need a dictator to host a successful Olympics, just a strong leader

Academic entrepreneurs' intellectual property strategies should include more than only patents

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imageGetting a patent isn't the only possible box to check when it comes to protecting IP.Woman image via

As the director of the Impact Centre at the University of Toronto, I work with students, postdoctoral fellows and even faculty members who are interested in commercializing their research. Since 2010, over 100 teams –...

Read more: Academic entrepreneurs' intellectual property strategies should include more than only patents

An early expression of democracy, the US patent system is out of step with today's citizens

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imageStarted with high democratic ideals, how does the US Patent Office work with today's version of democracy?StreetsofWashington, CC BY-NC

This year, July 31 marks the 225th anniversary of the first patent issued in the United States. Though the American patent system was designed initially to stimulate innovation, some citizens now argue that...

Read more: An early expression of democracy, the US patent system is out of step with today's citizens