

The Conversation

Is our Milky Way galaxy a zombie, already dead and we don't know it?

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageCan a galaxy (like NGC 3810 in this case) have a classical spiral structure and also be already dead?ESA/Hubble and NASA, CC BY

Like a zombie, the Milky Way galaxy may already be dead but it still keeps going. Our galactic neighbor Andromeda almost certainly expired a few billion years ago, but only recently started showing outward signs of its...

Read more: Is our Milky Way galaxy a zombie, already dead and we don't know it?

Trump and the GOP: the Silent Majority versus the establishment

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor

While Donald Trump continues to hold a commanding lead among Republicans in the race for the 2016 presidential nomination, National Review, the country’s leading conservative magazine, thinks otherwise.

In a special issue titled “Against Trump” last week, a strongly worded editorial denounced Trump as a “political...

Read more: Trump and the GOP: the Silent Majority versus the establishment

Dear Media: Here are some tips for covering Donald Trump and the GOP campaign

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor

The GOP candidates debate again tomorrow night.

Donald Trump reportedly won’t join them. His campaign has confirmed to various news outlets that he intends to skip the debate after losing a showdown with Fox News over Megyn Kelly’s role as moderator.

That doesn’t mean he won’t be drawing media attention with what he says and...

Read more: Dear Media: Here are some tips for covering Donald Trump and the GOP campaign

Explainer: Where did Zika virus come from and why is it a problem in Brazil?

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor

From October 2015 to January 2016, there were almost 4,000 cases of babies born with microcephaly in Brazil. Before then, there were just 150 cases per year.

The suspected culprit is a mosquito-borne virus called Zika. Officials in Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador and Jamaica have suggested that women delay becoming pregnant. And the Centers for...

Read more: Explainer: Where did Zika virus come from and why is it a problem in Brazil?

What happened when Saudi Arabia closed its borders to Christian immigrants

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor

Donald Trump has made exclusion a troubling touchpoint of his campaign, through his inflammatory proposal to block Muslim refugees or with the removal of a Muslim woman from one of his rallies.

Other Republican presidential hopefuls have also expressed anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim sentiments. Ted Cruz repeatedly refused to criticize Trump’s...

Read more: What happened when Saudi Arabia closed its borders to Christian immigrants

Why is it so tough for some to exorcise the ghosts of their romantic pasts?

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageFor some, it's not so easy to forgive and forget... 'Heart' via

A friend once grumbled that, given the choice, she’d rather see her ex miserable than herself happy.

Few things in life are as traumatic as the end of a long-term, romantic relationship. Nonetheless, many people are able to eventually recover and move on...

Read more: Why is it so tough for some to exorcise the ghosts of their romantic pasts?

Turning the Tide: Can admissions reforms redefine achievement?

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageHow can colleges redefine achievement?Tulane Public Relations, CC BY-NC

Individualism makes America unhealthy and unequal, and college admissions offices have the power to do something about it. So argues a short but important report, Turning the Tide, released last week by the Making Caring Common (MCC) Project at the Harvard Graduate School of...

Read more: Turning the Tide: Can admissions reforms redefine achievement?

While rethinking admissions process, consider creativity

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageCreativity is a valuable skill. Why is it ignored in the admissions process?epSos .de, CC BY

The Turning the Tide report released last week by the Harvard Graduate School of Education has colleges and universities across the country taking a hard look at what many believe is a deeply flawed admissions process.

A number of colleges have already been...

Read more: While rethinking admissions process, consider creativity

To help resolve the Flint water crisis, a university leans on its community

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor

The tragedy of the Flint water crisis has captured national and international attention, with people expressing shock and disbelief that residents of a U.S. city in the 21st century can be denied a basic human right: access to a safe water supply.

Along with the intense media attention to this issue, there has been boundless and conflicting...

Read more: To help resolve the Flint water crisis, a university leans on its community

The cheapest way to scale up wind and solar energy? High-tech power lines

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imagereupa/flickr, CC BY-NC

Wind power and solar power are ways to reduce carbon emissions, but these generation sources are dependent on the vagaries of the weather, which means neither wind nor solar can produce electricity on-demand at all hours of the day. This variability has led many to assume that greatly expanding wind and solar to reduce carbon...

Read more: The cheapest way to scale up wind and solar energy? High-tech power lines

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