

The Conversation

Why corporate sustainability won't solve climate change

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageFair trade logo in coffee. The sustainability campaign mobilized business, but is it really enough? ismunn/flickr, CC BY-NC

In the run-up to the much-anticipated COP21 international climate summit in Paris, business leaders worldwide have shown substantial support for action on greenhouse gases (GHG).

The White House launched the American Business...

Read more: Why corporate sustainability won't solve climate change

Want to do something good for your health? Try being generous

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imagePeople donate money during a flash football game organized by Arlington High School football player Max Gray, 18, to raise money for Jonielle Spiller, the mother of youth football player Jovon "Jo Jo" Mangual, 13, who died during the Oso mudslide, in Arlington.Jason Redmond/Reuters

Every day, we are confronted with choices about how to spend our...

Read more: Want to do something good for your health? Try being generous

Why Europe will let member states opt out of GM crops

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageUwe Potthoff/flickr, CC BY-SA

In the US, farmers have been cultivating crops with genetically engineered traits since the 1990s and their use – and consumption – is widespread.

That’s not the case in Europe. In fact, a directive passed by the European Parliament in April 2015 gave Member States (MS) freedom to decide for themselves...

Read more: Why Europe will let member states opt out of GM crops

Germany needs to rethink what it means to be German to resolve refugees and ISIS

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageWelcoming migrants and integrating them is a national security issue. Reuters

The attacks earlier this month in Paris that led to the deaths of 130 people have prompted a range of responses across Europe and the world.

One of the darker reactions, however, has involved targeting the hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and...

Read more: Germany needs to rethink what it means to be German to resolve refugees and ISIS

China's plan to put two-faced citizens on credit blacklist isn't all that foreign

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageDeceitful Chinese may have trouble getting a mortgage in the not-too-distant future.Dragon faces via

China has a problem.

No, not Donald Trump trying to savage it any time he comes within three feet of a microphone. It’s that enormous social shifts in recent years – like the forcible relocation of 250 million people f...

Read more: China's plan to put two-faced citizens on credit blacklist isn't all that foreign

Purging daily demons: what's behind the popularity of exorcisms?

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageAn exorcism being performed in Fafe, Portugal.Jose Manuel Ribeiro/Reuters

At Texas State University, I teach an honors course called “Demonology, Possession, and Exorcism.” It’s not a gut course. My students produce research papers on topics that range from the role of sleep paralysis in reports of demonic attacks to contemporary...

Read more: Purging daily demons: what's behind the popularity of exorcisms?

How children with disabilities came to be accepted in public schools

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageToday, kids with special needs can have access to education.Boy image via

When Alan joined my class in September, I knew he needed help.

So did I.

Alan had lived in an orphanage ever since he was an infant and faced many challenges: he was older than the other kids and did not want to play with them. He didn’t use words...

Read more: How children with disabilities came to be accepted in public schools

Russia, Turkey and the US: between the terrible and the catastrophic

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageThe Turkish Embassy in Moscow under siege. Sergei Karpukhin/Reuters

The downing of Russia’s plane by Turkish military forces over the skies of the Syrian-Turkish border has added yet another layer of complexity to the vortex of conflict in the Middle East.

Most of the prior concern had focused on the prospect of the US clashing with Russia...

Read more: Russia, Turkey and the US: between the terrible and the catastrophic

Locavore or vegetarian? What's the best way to reduce climate impact of food?

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageLow food miles: a farmers market in Pennsylvania. Danny Jensen/flickr, CC BY-NC

This year’s Thanksgiving feast falls only a few days before the start of the global climate summit in Paris. Although the connections are not always obvious, the topic of food – and what you choose to eat – has a lot to do with climate change.


Read more: Locavore or vegetarian? What's the best way to reduce climate impact of food?

Passeth the cranb'rry sauce! The medieval origins of Thanksgiving

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageDutch painter Pieter Claesz's Still Life with Turkey Pie (1627) features a cooked turkey that's been placed back inside its original skin, feathers and all. Wikimedia Commons

How and why did the dishes served at Thanksgiving dinner come to be so fixed?

Many assume that most of them were simply eaten by the Pilgrims during the first Thanksgiving. For...

Read more: Passeth the cranb'rry sauce! The medieval origins of Thanksgiving

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