

The Conversation

When gang violence goes viral

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageA suspected member of the Crips gang is cuffed in LA.Jonathan Alcorn/REUTERS

Recent gang shootings in Chicago, Los Angeles and other US cities involving high-profile uses of social media have stirred concerns in police and residents alike.

In Los Angeles last summer, gangs took to social media to threaten 100 days and 100 nights of gun violence...

Read more: When gang violence goes viral

The modern, molecular hunt for the world's biodiversity

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageNew forms of life are discovered in high-tech ways that leave yesterday's natural history collections in the dust.Detective image via

The news is full of announcements about newly discovered forms of life. This fall, we learned of a 30,000-year-old giant virus found in frozen Siberia. Until now, known viruses have contained so...

Read more: The modern, molecular hunt for the world's biodiversity

The humble (ad-free!) origins of the first World Series broadcasts

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageFailed singer Graham McNamee was baseball's first celebrity broadcaster.'Graham McNamee' via

This year, FOX Sports paid Major League Baseball about half a billion dollars for the rights to broadcast the national pastime.

While the package includes some playoff games and regular season contests, the crown jewel is still the World...

Read more: The humble (ad-free!) origins of the first World Series broadcasts

Explainer: what's the debt ceiling and why it's an obsolete way to control spending

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageSometimes it's not a good thing to have a roof over our heads. Dollar ceiling via

The US is once again on the precipice of default on its national debt – not because of a fundamental inability to generate and collect tax revenues (a la Greece), but because of political shenanigans over the country’s debt ceiling.


Read more: Explainer: what's the debt ceiling and why it's an obsolete way to control spending

Jeb Bush needs a home run in Wednesday's GOP debate

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageJeb needs a win in Wednesday's debate.Brian Snyder/REUTERS

As Republicans prepare for Wednesday night’s presidential debate, Jeb Bush’s campaign is on life support.

Dismal poll numbers and dwindling fundraising have driven the Bush campaign to the verge of collapse. On Saturday Bush even hinted that he might drop out of the race, declarin...

Read more: Jeb Bush needs a home run in Wednesday's GOP debate

Sometimes less is better – so why don't doctors 'deintensify' medical treatment?

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageDo you still need to take that? Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Doctors know a lot about when to start medications to treat disease. But sometimes our focus on starting medicines means we can confuse providing more care with providing better care. And better care sometimes means fewer medicines, not more.

For instance, patients with high blood pressure who...

Read more: Sometimes less is better – so why don't doctors 'deintensify' medical treatment?

The problems with Big History and turning science into myth

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageLooking to the cosmos to find our place in the universe. Milky Way from

In 2002, a conservative Christian pastor named Michael Dowd and his science writer wife, Connie Barlow, quit their jobs, sold their possessions, and purchased a van they decorated with symbols of a Jesus fish kissing a Darwin fish. Since that time, these...

Read more: The problems with Big History and turning science into myth

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