

The Conversation

Shell's abandoned well and the myth of the Arctic oil land grab

  • Written by The Conversation
imageTime to move on: Shell's Kulluk rig being rescued by Coast Guard in 2013.US Department of Defense, CC BY-NC-ND

After seven years of preparation and several billion dollars spent, Shell has decided to abandon its exploration program in the US Arctic “for the foreseeable future.” This follows barely two months’ drilling in the...

Read more: Shell's abandoned well and the myth of the Arctic oil land grab

What happens when you try to read Moby Dick on your smartphone?

  • Written by The Conversation
imageThe new bedside read.'Phone' via

These days, when most of us think of a “book,” we have in mind something around nine inches by six inches, with mass market paperbacks shaving off an inch or two in each dimension.

But digital reading has redefined presuppositions about size and, more importantly, about what format is...

Read more: What happens when you try to read Moby Dick on your smartphone?

The not-so-invisible damage from VW diesel cheat: $100 million in health costs

  • Written by The Conversation
imageSmog over car-heavy Los Angeles. bobtravis/flickr, CC BY-NC

Cheating is not a victimless crime. The recent revelations that Volkswagen rigged in-vehicle software to defeat emissions tests are but the latest example of efforts to evade regulations that protect human health and the environment.

In crimes against the environment, it’s sometimes...

Read more: The not-so-invisible damage from VW diesel cheat: $100 million in health costs

Is cyberbullying all that goes 'over the line' when kids are online?

  • Written by The Conversation
imageDigitally stressed?Girl Image via

In a TED talk this past spring, watched by over six million viewers, Monica Lewinsky called herself “Patient Zero” of cyber-fueled bullying and shaming.

When this “scandal” unfolded, the concept of internet-enabled public shaming was relatively unprecedented. And...

Read more: Is cyberbullying all that goes 'over the line' when kids are online?

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