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The Conversation

Temporary ban on fishing reflects how fragile Arctic ecosystem is

  • Written by The Conversation

Authors: The Conversation

imageTime to get cracking: a Canadian research vessel in the Arctic. John F. Williams/Office of Naval Research, CC BY-SA

As climate change melts the ice in the Arctic, areas that had previously been closed in the Arctic Ocean are becoming available to fishing. Five countries bordering the Arctic – Canada, Russia, the...

Read more: Temporary ban on fishing reflects how fragile Arctic ecosystem is

Why Ferguson erupts

  • Written by The Conversation

Authors: The Conversation

imageViolence erupts again in Ferguson, Missouri.Lucas Jackson/REUTERS

Peaceful demonstrations designed to mark the one-year anniversary of the killing of Michael Brown by a Ferguson, Missouri police officer turned violent on Monday.

With the benefit of hindsight it is clear that conditions there – and in many similar...

Read more: Why Ferguson erupts

The alarming consequences of scuttling the Iran nuclear deal

  • Written by The Conversation

Authors: The Conversation

imageThe Arak heavy-water reactor has been at the center of concerns about potential Iranian nuclear proliferation.Stringer/Reuters

The fate of the nuclear deal with Iran appears to be in some jeopardy.

Key democrats in Congress – most notably New York Senator Chuck Schumer – have recently announced that they would...

Read more: The alarming consequences of scuttling the Iran nuclear deal

News about the success of a new Ebola vaccine may be too good to be true

  • Written by The Conversation

Authors: The Conversation

imageA health worker injects a woman with an Ebola vaccine during a trial in Monrovia, February 2 2015. James Giahyue/Reuters

Ebola is on the run: the number of cases dipped below 10 a week recently, and a few days ago investigators announced in the prestigious journal The Lancet that a new Ebola vaccine was “100%...

Read more: News about the success of a new Ebola vaccine may be too good to be true

Iran’s frozen funds: how much is really there and how will they be used?

  • Written by The Conversation

Authors: The Conversation

imageNot all of Iran's frozen foreign assets are likely to thaw anytime soon.Frozen dollar via

The value and planned release of Iran’s frozen foreign assets have become hot political topics in both Tehran and Western capitals.

Yet few observers, it seems, have a clear idea how much is likely to be...

Read more: Iran’s frozen funds: how much is really there and how will they be used?

From Smokey Bear to climate change: the future of wildland fire management

  • Written by The Conversation

Authors: The Conversation

imageOne more California wildfire from last year: getting more dangerous and more expensive.usfsregion5/flickr, CC BY-SA

Current conditions in the West demonstrate that our US fire management system is struggling and approaching a state of crisis. Spending on fighting fires has climbed dramatically since the 1990s. And there is...

Read more: From Smokey Bear to climate change: the future of wildland fire management

Why the silence of moderate conservatives is dangerous for race relations

  • Written by The Conversation

Authors: The Conversation

imageLetter from a Birmingham Jail - 1963 Jason C Tillmann, CC BY-SA

The past two years of racial turmoil have removed any and all doubt about the continuing significance of race in the United States.

Both whites and blacks have exhibited increasingly negative views on race relations since 2011. A...

Read more: Why the silence of moderate conservatives is dangerous for race relations

Scientists at work: cracking sea lions' high-thrust, low-wake swimming technique

  • Written by The Conversation

Authors: The Conversation

imageObserving the foreflipper clap.Megan Leftwich, CC BY

The California sea lion has a unique way of moving through the ocean. This highly maneuverable aquatic mammal produces thrust primarily with its foreflippers – the ones it has where you have hands. Despite being fast, efficient and agile, this sea lion swimming...

Read more: Scientists at work: cracking sea lions' high-thrust, low-wake swimming technique

What if it happened again? What we need to do to prepare for a nuclear event

  • Written by The Conversation

Authors: The Conversation

imageAtomic cloud over Hiroshima.By 509th Operations Group via Wikimedia Commons

As we observe the 70th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it may seem like the threat from nuclear weapons has receded. But it hasn’t; the threat is actually increasing steadily. This is difficult to face for many people,...

Read more: What if it happened again? What we need to do to prepare for a nuclear event

There's no code of ethics to govern digital forensics – and we need one

  • Written by The Conversation

Authors: The Conversation

imageHow to deal with all that digital evidence?West Midlands Police, CC BY-SA

Let me begin with a disclaimer: I am neither a digital forensics practitioner nor do I play one on television.

I am, however, a professor in, and former chair of, an academic department at a research university that houses a graduate program in...

Read more: There's no code of ethics to govern digital forensics – and we need one

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