

Real Estate

Property taxes hit coffee, restaurant bills: REINSW

  • Written by Helen Hull

11 February 2015

Restauranteurs and café owners have no alternative but to increase prices to pay exorbitant land tax bills, according to the Real Estate Institute of New South Wales.

REINSW President Malcolm Gunning said land tax was never designed to hamper business but the effects are being seen across the board.


“If you are wondering why your coffee has increased in price, or your restaurant bill is more expensive, don’t point the finger at the owner,” Mr Gunning said. “Instead it’s time to recognise the role the NSW Government is playing in driving up the prices for consumers.

“Business owners are given little choice; they must increase their prices to pay their land tax bill.

“Let there be no mistake, the people who pay land tax are not the landlord, are not the tenant, but are NSW consumers paying increased prices for their coffee and other consumables.

“Across NSW, restaurants, cafés and other businesses are being forced to close because they cannot afford the land tax bills. It is affecting productivity and the economy of our great state.

"It is time for the Premier to review land tax in NSW before it is too late,” Mr Gunning said.