Daily Deal Group Buying online shopping site seeks suppliers
- Written by Auzzi Shopping

Auzzi.com.au operates Auzzi Shopping and Auzzi Traveller. Both sites are seeking suppliers of stock for the travel, electronics, home and garden, health and beauty, hardware, food and dining, clothing and accessories, toys and games, sports and fitness, furniture, hardware, money and finance, baby and toddlers and other sections of the online stores.
Auzzi is also looking for service providers who are looking to reach new customers in a low cost way. Beauty salons, weight loss and health related products like sports lessons or fitness training are particularly in great demand.
Operating in partership with Businesses.com.au, DailyBulletin.com, PitchEngine.com.au and Auzzi Shopping provides marketing opportunities for local, small and medium businesses to showcase thier products and services to 1000's of people every day.
Auzzi Shopping charges a low 10% commission on all deal and retail sales that it makes for its merchants.
Merchants on Auzzi Shopping are promoted on full page feature spreads which highlight the best parts of a business to encourage long term brand building.
Unlike most deal sites, Auzzi Shopping offer long term space and suppliers can set the terms of the offer, how long a promotion will run for and or how many items will be sold.
The operators of Auzzi Traveller and Auzzi Shopping seek to work with suppliers to build their brand and not to trash their image by silly super low prices with very high commissions that leave the merchant losing in the hope of reaching new buyers. The reality is that the old high commission deal business structure failed as merchants suffered in many ways by losing on every sale, having their brand value diminished and offering low prices to people who never returned.
Auzzi wants to help a business to boost its profile for a long term acceleration of sales and customer numbers with resulting word of mouth marketing.
Visit Auzzi Shopping at www.Auzzi.com.au and get in touch with managers to discuss business marketing opportunities.