Your last trade does not matter
- Written by News Company

There are many people on the market that think they can trade in forex and make money. They do not know they cannot make money because they have won the last trade. This is a common misconception among the traders that if any trader can win the last trades in forex, they will also win the next trade. We do not know where people get this thought but this is not happening in forex. Your winning is not set by how many trades you have won in the last market. Your last trade does not matter and you have to accept that. Maybe you analyze the market and you have won the trade. People believe they have won trades and now they will only win in forex. This article will tell you why you should not be indulged in your last trades.
Many novice traders in Australia often becomes frustrated after seeing the result of their past trades. But there is nothing you can do to your losing trades. Once it’s gone it’s gone forever. You need to let go your past trade results so that you can easily wait for the next trade setups. Always trade this market with a positive attitude. If you don’t develop strong mental stability it will be almost impossible for you to deal with your losing trades. Losing trades are very normal and it’s a part of your trading career. But make sure you are not trading this market with high-risk exposure as it will ruin your trading career.
Mastering the art of trading is very challenging. You can’t make any real progress unless you truly know about the complex nature of this market. Some novice traders often consider this market as a shortcut way to become rich. But trading is nothing but your traditional business. You have to trade this market with a solid strategy. Learn the precise art of trade management to become successful at CFD trading. Never take too much rich even though you have the perfect trade setup. Always stay on the safe side to protect your investment.
The trends change
The only thing about forex market is change. Everything changes in forex and if you do not know how you can make the changes in the market, you will never make money. Many people started with money and they knew they have to adapt to the market and they did, they are now making the profit. If you want to make the profit in forex, get out of the thought that you will win the market because the last trade was a success. The trends change and you can lose your money. If you want to make money, trade the market with the live trend.
No trends are the same
It may be hard for you to accept but no trends are the same? The market that you were trading, the trends that you were trading with, the current price level that you were trading with, all have changed and this is how traders make their money. You cannot think the anklet will stay in the last position and you will trade the market. The first thing to accept that last trades do not matter is by knowing trades are not same. You may have won the market with a big profit but there is no guarantee you can do it also for this time.
Traders also lost just after winning
If you cannot believe our words, you can look back into your career and you will find many failures that have occurred just after you have won a trade. This very common in forex. Traders do not know where because they have just won. They think this is easy to make the profit and they trade the market without thinking of the market analysis and only thinking of their past trades. They lost the money just after winning and your last trade becomes futile.