Small Business Week 2018 Is Underway, But What Is It All About?
- Written by News Company
This week sees the celebration and recognition of National Small Business week throughout the United States of America. Miami, New York, Washington DC and Los Angeles are all at the forefront of the festivities as national winners are saluted and rewarded for their outstanding efforts.
President Trump’s Proclamation
President Trump kicked off the events on Sunday, by proclaiming 29th April to 5th May 2018 was Small Business Week. Whole nation has now joined together to acknowledge the important role that small businesses play in the economy. More than ever people are recognizing how taxing it can be to secure a business and make it successful. In such a competitive world, where almost thirty million small businesses exist in America, there has never been a more poignant time to spread awareness and celebrate the annual event.
Trump himself stated earlier this week, “Small businesses are at the heart of our nation.”With this proclamation the country is now wanting to know more than ever about how small businesses are truly the bread and butter of every small town across America. They build communities, provide countless jobs and stand strong even in the face of struggle and adversity.

Paving The Way For The Future
When the world’s economy is widely dominated by huge corporations, there is always room for improvement when it comes to supporting small businesses. Luckily, America is home to a number of supporters who have done their fair share for the niche businesses of the nation.
One of the many advocates for small businesses over the years, includes the Secretary of State in Arizona, Michele Reagan who personally understands the adversity small businesses can face and fights for those kinds of businesses by representing them and speaking out on their behalf.
Many people stand up for vital role and contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners and National Small Business Week first made its name back in 1963, when the President of the United States proclaimed it to be officially recognized as a celebration. John F. Kennedy was the man who paved the way for many struggling entrepreneurs in America and each year every single President has reissued this proclamation in support.Why Is It Such a Big Deal?
Truth is that, everyone can really relate to Small Business week as the majority of people own one, work for one or know somebody who is an entrepreneur. Consider your local garage, think about your close by coffee joint and imagine your nearby salon. They may dominate your town right now, but they wouldn’t be where they are today without the hard work of an aspiring entrepreneur way back when. Many people don’t realize that small businesses create around two out of every three new jobs in the United States every single year, so fully deserve all the credit they can during this particular week of recognition.

The following statement was once said by Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple and American entrepreneur. “You need a lot of passion for what you’re doing because it’s so hard. Without passion any rational person would give up.”
It takes a special kind of person to make a small business into a roaring success so hop on the bandwagon this week and engage in the celebrations with the rest of the USA.