4 Ways To Ensure Your Office Move Goes Smoothly
- Written by News Company

Congratulations. After plenty of hard work, sleepless nights and chasing after deadlines and customers, your start-up business is ready to expand. Perhaps you’ve secured some new funding, been able to expand your team, taken on some new accounts or purchase some vital equipment. But now you need to find a space that you can transition your growing business into with a minimum of disruption to service that’s within budget. To help the process go smoothly, here are some top tips on expanding your business space:
Clear The Decks
Any move should be seen as an opportunity to have a major clear out. Space costs money, and you need to reassess how much of it you have and how much you can afford. Start by taking inventory and getting rid of any old, outdated equipment. If you have any paper files, transfer the contents to a digital cloud storage system, and shred and recycle them. Find a reliable office clearance company such as https://www.samedayrubbishremoval.com.au/Office-Furniture-and-Equipment-Removal.php and arrange for any old desks, chairs, filing cabinets and PCs to be safely taken away and recycled.
Consult With Your Staff
Who better to ask about the new arrangements than the staff you have, or are planning to take on? Get their views about what sort of space would suit the business, and remember to take into account future proofing against further medium-term expansion also. If you start planning a move but don’t consult, people may pick up on change in the air and start assuming the worst, so set any confusion to rest and explain the positive news to the business. You could even set up a group on Office 365 to keep everyone updated.
Speak To Your Landlord
It always pays to have a good relationship with your landlord, so once you start thinking about moving premises, let them know. It gives them good notice to start seeking another tenant, and they may also have to be aware of other properties that are suitable for your new needs. It’s possible that you may be able to negotiate a move to new premises while keeping your existing terms if they are both owned by the same person.
Put The Word Out
Use social networks, such as your LinkedIn groups to spread the word that you are looking for a new premises. Business contacts may have all kinds of useful information to help you in your search. Remember, many properties let out as soon as they become vacant, especially in popular locations. Some never teach the stage of being openly advertised, so use word of mouth to find out about suitable space becoming available. Remember to keep an open mind when viewing new premises. Many businesses find homes in unexpected locations, from converted factories to old repurposed shipping containers! As long as the space is right, it can be altered to fit your needs. Converted farm buildings and even old churches can all provide stunning office space when they’ve been done up. In no time, you’ll be showing off your new premises!