How to Create a Great Team of Employees
- Written by News Company
Your business might begin its life as a one-person operation, but with any luck, it won’t stay there. There’ll come a time when you need to bring people on board, in order to free up your own time and to help push your business forward. Yet, while this might sound like an easy enough task, it’s actually more complicated than you might think. There are plenty of people who are looking for work out there, but there’ll only be a handful of people that are right for the jobs that you’re advertising. Below, we take a look at how you can put together an outstanding team of employees for your business.

Improve Your Ads
If you’re continually lamenting the quality of your applicants, then it’ll be time to make some changes to your job advertisements. Believe it or not, the quality and wording of job listings have a huge impact on the type of person that will apply. If your ads just have a long list of requirements, then you can forget it -- the highest quality applicants are not going to be interested. The best candidates already know how good they are, so be sure to mention in the ads why they should consider working for you, rather than anyone else.Beyond the Resume
An applicant’s resume is going to be a sound starting point, but it really is just a starting point. As well as looking at the skills and experience of a candidate, you’ll also need to think about how their personality will fit in with your broader company culture: this can have a huge impact on their general suitability to the position. If they’re talented but don’t quite click with your company ethos, then it’s probably best that you continue your search.Thorough Checks
You’ll primarily be focused on finding employees with specific skills that can push your business forward but don’t forget that, by doing so, you’re also making your business vulnerable. It’s not nice to think about, but most crimes against businesses happen internally. And even if an employee isn’t malicious, they can still harm your company in indirect ways. So be sure to dig a little deeper before offering a candidate a position in your company. You should check a job applicant’s driving record, follow-up on the references they’ve provided, and check that they don’t have a criminal record. Performing these simple steps before offering someone a position in your company can prevent many problems further down the line.Smooth Onboarding
If you’ve hired correctly, then you’ll have an employee with bags of potential when it comes to pushing your company forward. But remember that it’s only’ potential.’ You’ll need to take some steps to get the most out of your new employees. This will involve having an onboarding process that gently welcomes them into the team and ensures they know exactly what it is they should be doing. Moving forward, it’ll be about investing in their training and challenging them to be the best that they can be.