How To Properly Screen Your Job Applicants
- Written by News Company
When you are looking to hire a new person to fill a gap in your team, it’s natural to worry about whether you have screened them properly before you choose who will be a new team member. It doesn't matter how many people you are looking to hire, you need to make sure that your company process is effective so that you get the best of the best. When you use one effective process, you get all the best applicants in one round of resume sifting.
Putting a proper screening process into place will save your whole team a lot of time and money. Depending on the nature of your business, you may choose to implement drug and alcohol screening appointments for every applicant. You may even choose to go through several interview stages. Either way, you need to have the right applicants applying for your role, and that requires several steps. Let’s take a look:
1. You have to know that you are finding the right people. To do that, you need to start your screening process from the moment you put an advertisement out. You have to get rid of the people who are blindly applying and not reading the job advert, and you can do that with specific wording to your job description and utilize the questions that will knock back the duds easily. You can automatically set these questions, and this will help you to weed out those who are unsuitable.
2. Questions in your job advert with open ends will help you to get the right answers that you are looking for, and it will help you to create a list of interview questions for when you do bring people in. Not only do you need a good list of questions, but you need to ask those questions during an interview!
3. Identify the keywords that will be embedded into your job advert. Keywords are vital if you are hoping to capture a specific type of applicant. They will be able to apply for a role, and then your job website will be able to scan the resume of the applicant and match the keywords to the person. It will mean that you can be sure that the application matches the advert. Those with no experience will be eliminated immediately.
4. When it comes to job interview time, you need a structure. If you plan to have more than one job interview phase, then you need to note it down in the job advert. Not everyone will apply for jobs where there is a series of interviews and tests and drug screenings; they won’t bother. So, lay out what you need before you send out the application, and you will only attract quality candidates.
Once you have done all of this, you can then begin to implement your process to each time you send out a job advert. Attracting the right people is part of the battle, and you can ensure that you get the best in your business.