Top 5 things to look out for when choosing a panel beater
- Written by News Company

When the time comes to search for a panel beater, it's critical that you choose the right one. Body work repairs should never be taken lightly, as underestimating the problem could jeopardise the safety of you, your family, or anyone else that rides in the vehicle with you.
To ensure you choose the best professional for your vehicle's needs, there are a number of factors you should be considering. Here’s a compiled a list of just a few of the things to keep in mind when choosing which panel beater to entrust your car with.
Panel Beater Reputation
If there's anyone you know that knows a lot about cars, it's well worth asking them on what panel beater companies in the area they recommend. If nobody like this is to hand, it's easy to search online what the reviews and reputation of a particular panel beater holds. Simply search panel beaters near me to find out what these businesses are, if you aren't sure!
If you can find out online reviews, you want to be paying close attention to what past customers have said, as well as what they rated the panel beater (usually out of 5 stars).
Work environment
If you're entrusting your beloved car with a smash repairs company, it's worth visiting their workshop first to get a look at their work environment. One great sign of how a panel beater will treat your property is how they treat their own - obviously, there will be some mess regardless as smash repairs is a very hands-on job, but pay attention to how they keep their office and equipment.
Is their equipment well-looked after? Their office and waiting room clean and presentable? If you're wary of leaving your car with someone, it's probably a subconscious hint to look elsewhere. A car repairs company should make you feel comfortable that your car is in good hands.
It's a good idea to enquire about the level of experience the panel beater team you're researching into has. In particular, be sure to ask if they've dealt with a model of vehicle and style of damage similar to your own, as well as a gallery of the finished repairs if possible. This will inform you of what you can realistically expect the outcome of the panel beating repair to be.
Also, be sure to ask any accident repair centre what professional bodies and regulatory organisations the company is a member of. Being a member of bodies such as the Australian Motor Body Repairers’ Association (AMBRA),which any car repair company should be a member of, ensures that you know the company is working to a code of conduct - this, in turn, guarantees a level of quality to your vehicle repair.
Whether your vehicle is old or new, luxury or family, each has its own specifications and requirements in repairs. So, before you leave your car with any panel beating company, check to see if they have the skills and knowledge to do the job thoroughly and correctly.
This is especially important if you have a vintage or collector's car, or a car shipped over from another country; for example, German cars may be structured differently to Australian ones, and a vintage model will require a specialist finish, so it's important to see whether your panel beater has worked to similar specifications before. If not, it's probably an unwise idea to choose them.
Any good body repair shop will offer a guarantee of the level of finish on a car they work on. This is a great sign because it demonstrates a dedication to consistency, as well as a keenness to continue to uphold their reputation.
If a panel beater beats around the bush when you ask what you can expect the repair to look like and cost, this is a tell-tale sign that they can't guarantee a good job. Any confident smash repairs specialist will be able to give you at least an estimate in time, cost, and finish - and this is a sign they know their stuff.
To find out more about panel beating check out NRC Group.
Explore the FAQs for the answers to any burning questions you have about panel beating services. Good luck!