What Should You Consider Before Buying A Shipping Container For Storage?
- Written by News Company

There’s a very good reason more people are investing in shipping containers for storage – they are by design a way to store things, so why not make more use out of this ability outside the world of shipping? They are often very cost efficient and portable, which makes them an excellent alternative to traditional storage options, but there are a few things you will need to consider before you rush out and buy a shipping container for storage. In this article we detail a few of these to help give you a better idea of what your needs should entail and what you should ideally be keeping an eye out for.
What should you be looking for?
Whether you’re looking for an outdoor shed or a simple storage area on your property, there’s a lot to like when it comes to shipping containers. Although you might find a 20 ft container price that seems too good to be true, make sure that this is enough space to store all of your belongings. Although the price might be good, needing to buy another 20ft container instead of a single 40ft container might end up hurting your wallet more than you might expect. There’s also the issue of delivery – you’ll have to be sourcing your container from somewhere else, so factoring in how you want this delivered (and where on your property) will attract a cost that you might not have considered in your overall budget. It’s also very important to note that not all councils will look favourably in you having a shipping container in your backyard. There are all sorts of permits and regulations in Australia when it comes to shipping containers – although the more difficult ones are tied to shipping container homes, its worth looking into for your storage container as well to ensure you don’t spend a lot of money on something you’re not legally allowed to have.
What you might not yet have considered
Although you have likely already made all sorts of considerations when it comes to your shipping container, many people don’t consider that they might need a foundation for it to sit on. Although this won’t be necessary in all case, having a foundation on certain properties can help your shipping container more easily ventilate or drain, which can prevent rust and corrosion of your investment in the long term, which can also mean that what is inside is compromised as well! With this in mind, you will sometimes need to invest some money into maintaining your shipping container. Although many people see it as a once and done cost, investing some more money into labour and construction can mean that any unfavourable weather or situational conditions will be more easily managed. As a good example, condensation can be produced in areas where there is a significant disparity between day and night temperatures, which is why it might be a good idea to install some kind of venting system to prevent any damage.
Cheaper is not necessarily better
If you’re trying to keep an eye out exclusively for a cheap shipping container, you might want to rethink your strategy. It is often the case that cheaper units are less a bargain and more a poor example of a shipping container, and although there might be savings in the short term for you, the long term might hold some very unexpected costs.