Top Tips To Get Back Into the Workforce
- Written by NewsCo

Anyone who has been unemployed for a period of time can start to really struggle with getting back into the workforce. Confidence and self-belief can take a huge dent and the way the world has been in turmoil since the beginning of 2020 has just made the task of finding and landing a job that much more daunting.
Securing employment is far from impossible, though, and there is help available to achieve that goal. Let’s take a look at some tips and ideas to help you get back into the workforce.
Do You Need To Find a Job or the Right Job?
You might be qualified and experienced in a particular field, but can’t find a job in your chosen career at present? Would you consider a different job (or any job), at least for a while?
Sometimes, just getting a job and working again, can help open up doors to other job opportunities. If you’ve previously been following a certain career path but can’t find an opening in that field right now, getting a survival job at least takes the pressure off financially and allows you to relax and take your time searching for the kind of role you really want.
Waiting around to find the right job can prove to be frustrating and will place a lot of unnecessary pressure upon your shoulders.
Keep Your Resume Fresh and Current
Having your resume and any other supporting paperwork in order and ready to go is important. As soon as you find a job or two that you can apply for, you won’t be delaying your application while sorting out documentation.
It can be a good idea to tailor your resume to the job role. In other words, any information on your resume that’s most relevant to the position you are applying for should be at the top of any lists and placed in prominent positions on your resume. As an example, if the job role places emphasis on having leadership abilities, place this at the very top of your list of attributes and/or experience.
Tap Into the Power of Your Social Media Networks
Social media isn’t all about keeping up with what your friends are doing socially. Likely you’ve built up a pretty solid network of people online who also have their own networks. Putting the word out on social media about your hunt for a job could very well lead to some opportunities. You might even hear about an upcoming position that hasn’t even been advertised yet.
The powerful thing about the internet and social media is that the message can be spread far and wide. Everyone you know, knows other people who know other people and so on. In the modern age, it’s one of the most effective ways to spread the word that you need a job.
Professional Employment Services
Why go it alone when there are professional employment services you can take advantage of?
Those people who have been unemployed for 6 months or more and have been receiving a Centrelink payment may be eligible for assistance from a Jobactive provider. These companies are government-assisted and are located all around Australia. They can give you access to everything you need to help you find a job, can offer you skills training and will even line up job interviews for you.
If you’ve been out of work for a while, chat with Centrelink about Jobactive providers and ask for assistance. It could make all the difference when it comes to getting a job.
Consider Doing Some Volunteer Work
Stepping out and doing some volunteer work in your local community could lead to finding paid employment. For starters, you’ll likely learn some handy new skills and you’ll build your self-confidence simply by being active and productive.
Another option is work experience, where you do some part-time work for a business just to gain some experience in the job role. If you’re a good worker, you could be offered a job.
In Conclusion
There are always things you can do to increase your chances of landing a job. Seeking assistance from others is always a good idea, as it can be tough going it alone. The good news is, you don’t have to. There is help available.