Are We Trapped In The Pharmaceutical Grasp?

The pharmaceutical grasp has become somewhat of an epidemic, especially in the US. Prescriptions, particularly pain medicine prescriptions containing strong opioids and painkillers, are available almost on tap. There has been plenty of news articles and research documenting the issues with pharmaceutical products, particularly medicinal pills, with recent documents published by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention revealing the problem is only getting worse. That begs the question, are we stuck in the pharmaceutical grasp? Below, we're going to talk about the pharmaceutical epidemic and the holistic options to explore.
The Pharmaceutical Epidemic
The pharmaceutical epidemic is sweeping ferociously across the US and, indeed, much of the world. However, it's well documented that the US and the public are almost debilitated by the constant barrage of pharmaceutical products given out on prescription, sometimes at the cost of further damage to the individual. It's not just painkillers - the most commonly dished out pharmaceutical product in the US - it's steroids, blood pressure pills, antidepressants, and many more. Yet there are so many non-medicinal solutions that work well. Take back pain - 23% of suffering from it - why take an opioid when you could look into holistic treatments provided by a chiropractor Downers Grove IL? Because the doctors supply the painkillers, and the pain goes away temporarily.
Many pharmaceutical products don't necessarily treat the root cause of the problem; they mask the symptoms. Even antibiotics are becoming an epidemic, with doctors dishing out antibiotics when they're not necessarily needed, and now we're facing a future where our bodies are antibiotic resistant. There's now a massive drive to stop people from taking antibiotics for this very reason.
Those are two primary examples of the pharmaceutical grasp and the consequences; this article details some of the pressing issues.
The Side Effects
Other than the obvious addiction, reliance, and resilience to the desired effects of pharmaceutical drugs, many side effects come hand in hand with taking chemical compound products that our bodies shouldn't digest. Here are some of the most common:
Rashes and dermatitis
Cardiac problems
You'll find a long list of common side effects, uncommon side effects, and rare ones included in each packet of prescription medication that you take.
In comparison, you won't find the same long list of side effects with holistic treatments that aim to treat the root of the problem rather than mask it. Herbal remedies and holistic practices like visiting a chiropractor alleviate problems without pumping the body full of unnecessary chemicals.
Are We Forever Going To Be Stuck In The Pharmaceutical Grasp?
The short answer is yes. The pharmaceutical grasp is so tight that people don't realize there are other solutions - but why would they? If you take a trip to the doctor's office, they'll examine you, perhaps send you for more tests, and prescribe a medication to treat the problem. Yet, if you were to research that same problem, you'd find numerous natural remedies and holistic treatments that have the same effect. It's also clear that the pharmaceutical and health industry is heavily monetized, with doctors sometimes getting a commission from prescribing certain medications.
The pharmaceutical grasp indeed has a tight hold on our lives. We're constantly bombarded with advertisements and advice that advises us to use different lotions and potions to alleviate some of the common health problems we suffer from, yet there are alternative solutions. It's up to you to research and find your own remedies.