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Depression is a debilitating mental health condition that consumes every aspect of a person’s life. Unfortunately, overcoming depression can be an ongoing battle, and it is essential those living with the condition receive support and treatment to improve their quality of life. That’s why we are providing informative advice on how to effectively treat depression.


Negative thoughts are a major factor of depression, as they can reinforce the sadness a person feels on a day-to-day basis. Mindfulness can counteract those thoughts, as a person must focus on the present moment and embrace a positive mindset. To do so, focus on smells, sounds, sights and tastes to engage the senses and leave the worries behind. You will have to practice mindfulness; also, there may be times when it doesn’t fully help your situation.

Cognitive Therapy

Many people living with depression may benefit from cognitive therapy, which aims to change a person’s mindset. A counsellor will help a person identify their thought patterns, as well any negative or incorrect thoughts that can aid depression. The goal of cognitive therapy is to alter your way of thinking to create a realistic mindset.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Research has identified a link between depression and a lack of omega 3 fatty acids. It’s believed as little as a gram of fish oil per day can decrease depression symptoms by 50%, such as anxiety, suicidal thoughts, sadness, a low sex drive and sleep disorders. Anyone suffering from depression should try to add more omega 3 fatty acids into their diet, such as salmon, tuna, flaxseed and walnuts.


Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) causes a low mood during winter months, as there is less sunlight to enjoy. The symptoms of SAD include depression, sleeping problems, anxiety, fatigue and a low libido. If you believe you might be living with SAD, invest in a 300-watt sunlamp that should be placed within three feet of you, which you should turn on for 20 minutes three times per day.

Medical Marijuana

Those living with depression could benefit from medical marijuana, as research has found there is a link between the body’s endocannabinoid system and depression. Yet, different types of weed will offer different therapeutic properties. For instance, a strain high in terpene limonene is believed to improve mood elevation; while the Sativa strain can result in increased happiness and creativity.


Combat depression with regular exercise, which releases feel-good endorphins in the body, which can boost your mood and immunity. Aim to enjoy at least half an hour of exercise three to four times per week, which could be anything from a brisk walk, cycling, running or weight lifting at the gym. You might be surprised by the difference it will make to both your physical and mental health.


Sleep deprivation can often lead to stress, irritability and a low mood. Not only that, but a lack of sleep can also reduce your emotional balance, productivity, mental sharpness, creativity, weight and vitality. To combat the symptoms of depression, try to enjoy between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.