Depression Becomes Second Leading Cause of Disability Worldwide

When we think of disability, we tend to think of physical disabilities that prevent people from physically engaging in activities that able bodied individuals don’t really have to think twice about. However, it’s extremely important that we acknowledge that mental health concerns can cause disability too! In fact, studies have determined that depression has become a second leading cause of disability on a worldwide scale. Here’s everything you need to know on the subject.
How Depression Can Disable You
If you suffer from clinical depression, it can prevent you from leading a good quality of life. You can experience extremely low energy levels, have difficulty leaving the house, struggle to concentrate, find yourself unable to connect with others, and the condition may also interfere with your sleep pattern - you may experience insomnia or (at the other end of the scale) spend excessive periods of time asleep. All of these symptoms can affect your personal life, social life, and professional life.
Avoiding Prejudice
Nowadays, we are witnessing increased levels of awareness surrounding depression, however, we still have a long way to go, with many people still not quite getting to grips with the basics of the condition and understanding how it can be truly debilitating for many individuals who suffer from it. You may hear people saying ignorant or misinformed things, such as “I don’t believe in depression”, “everyone gets sad or down from time to time”, “just be more positive”, or “people just want to label themselves”. These comments can be hurtful. So, if you hear someone coming out with them, you can help to reduce prejudice and misunderstandings by offering further information about depression. If you feel that you or someone else are suffering from prejudice due to the condition, you can take action. For example, if an employer terminates a contract due to missed time which is directly linked to depression, you can take legal action. Not only will this secure your job or make up for the termination with compensation, but it will prevent the employer from treating anyone else in a similar way. If you would like more information on this subject, you can read it here.
Seeking Help
Some individuals can reduce the negative impact of depression in their day to day life by seeking professional medical help. If you feel that you are experiencing depression, it is extremely important that you reach out to a doctor. This individual will be able to diagnose your symptoms, as well as offer medication and / or refer you on for treatment. Seeking help can aid you in alleviating the detrimental effects that depression can have on your life in general.
Once you begin to understand depression and how it impacts individuals suffering from it, you will be able to also understand why it can be considered a major disability. Hopefully, the above information has helped with this process!