Did you know that in a poll more than 50% of people had resolution of becoming fit? But when we checked the stats less than 10% were able to achieve their fitness goal. Do you know what the reason behind this was? Lack of effort. And the major cause of this lagging and lacking is the dilemma of joining fitness clubs.
Most people think that it is a waste of money and time. With our fast-paced lives, it is hard to take out time and invest in something which doesn’t sound very pleasing to us. Why invest money into something you can do at home. But the reality is that the results that fitness clubs bring about are something you cannot do yourself. As much as you would like to believe that you can cut back on chocolate cake and lasagnas and exercise around the house to shed a few pounds, it doesn’t happen. You cannot get the elixir for a healthy life by sticking in your home. You must have heard the phrase no pain no gain; it is true for fitness as well. If you want to gain a fitness body you got to move and hit the club!
To move an inch on the scale you have to move and that too with passion. And that passion is what joining a fitness club all is about. It is the first surest step towards a healthy life as you will make an investment you can turn away from. Not only does a fitness club make you move but it also improves your diet that has a long-lasting effect on your health. It is not like a gym. There is more to it than just weight loss and bodybuilding. The trainers and the dieticians there know what they are doing and can show you the right path for not just a better body but a better lifestyle. From well-constructed routines, supplements like bcaa to diet plans and doses of motivation, fitness clubs provide you with a plethora of benefits. The reason to join them are unlimited but we have listed down 5 biggest reasons for you:
1. Physical Health
There is nothing more important in life than health. You might have all the love and wealth in the world but if your body stops supporting you, everything else would be of no use. So the crux of life is fitness as you cannot enjoy anything tied to a bed. And as per The Centers for Disease Control for a healthy lifestyle, it is recommended that people should do moderately intense aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes per week. Well, this might sound easy when you read or hear it. But in reality, to maintain a workout routine in daily life is very hard. You get easily bored if you try doing it alone. You make excuses, or your busy schedules eat your time up. But if you join a fitness club the investment you make will ensure that you visit it daily. The balanced programs containing both aerobic and strength training exercises according to different body types, supervised by professionals improve your physical health. Moreover, fitness clubs not only enhance physical activity but they also improve your diet. You start eating healthy which further enhances results. Not only do you get in shape but you become strong as well and your heart health is also promoted. The improved muscles help prevent many diseases and give you extra flexibility and balance. It also strengthens your immune system.
2. Mental well-being
Physical health is not the only reason you should join fitness clubs. For many people, these clubs are more than just fitness arenas. They are a source of mental peace. This is because they become an important aspect of their lives as they feel like home there. Not only clubs also act as a social activity for you which improves their mental well-being but the exercises and interaction also reduces stress. As per Mayo Clinic, all forms of exercise can be stress relievers. So if you join a club you can regularly carry out a physical activity which will boost the production of endorphins, by the brain. This will make you feel better physically and also give you a better emotional outlook. Moreover, both intense and subtle exercises help reduce tensions in both the mind and body. Not only will it enhance your mood but your quality of sleep will also be improved. So joining a fitness club can become a sanctuary for you where you remove yourself from the fast-paced life and forget all your troubles.
3. Fitness club are motivators
Fitness clubs not only contain machines but it also has distinct individuals. The community built there motivates you and keeps you going. So it’s not just about becoming strong and healthy. It is about relationships and attachments. You continue to go there even after you have reached your goals because it became a habit. For constant support and permanent results, fitness clubs become a necessity. They keep you going or you will slum and forget all the results. Thus fitness clubs act as a mental booster which surges the mind to keep fitness in the track. If you don’t join one you can easily get derailed as for most people exercise is a chore. As you interact with others and surround yourself with people in the same boat it will act as an incentive and help you make exercise a part of the routine. You will find the rhythm you are looking for and end up making exercise a passion. You can make friends there too and sweat together.
4. Get in shape
This is the major reason for people joining fitness clubs and is so far the most compelling as well. For most people appearance is more than what is inside. And the best way to beautify yourself is to get a killing figure. Well, you cannot get a figure that makes people swoon sitting at home. How do you think these celebrities maintain their shape and have those abs? They have premium fitness club memberships and their routines are harsher than you can think? You cannot starve yourself, because to keep up the appearance you have to glow as well. And that glow is something you can gain only from an optimal combination of diet and exercise which fitness clubs present you on a plate. So as "nothing tastes as good as getting in shape feels" join these clubs. Lose weight, get some muscles and abs, tone up and impress people with a shape that speaks louder than words.
5. Learn from pros and other
The best part about clubs is that you can’t go wrong. There are so many people to guide you that you get on track very easily. You can consult with health practitioners and professional trainers there, who are experts and can design programs for you that fit as per your l needs. You will be able to enjoy your time and practice safely as you will learn proper exercise techniques. Moreover, there is ample variety which can entertain you. The choice of weights, wide array machines, and numerous exercises can help you learn a lot, classes and other elements. With so many opportunities, your quality of workout can improve considerably. Last but not least, you will inevitably watch people around you as well which can boost you further.
So if you are serious about investing in yourself then there is nothing better than joining a fitness club. And the best time for it is right now. If you put it off longer than more excuses will come up and deter your path. Thus don’t wait to rock that swimsuit next summer. Jump the bandwagon now and plunge hands down into the world of fitness!