Deciding When You Should See An Orthopedic Doctor

An orthopaedic doctor specializes in musculoskeletal conditions. They undergo standard medical training, the same as any other doctor before they branch into a musculoskeletal speciality. This makes them the best people to see if you have a range of conditions, including:
Carpal Tunnel
Muscular Dystrophy
Runner’s Knee
Tennis Elbow
A variety of other, similar, conditions
When To See A Doctor
The general rule is that if you develop unusual symptoms and they persist for more than a few days you should visit a doctor. They will evaluate you and offer treatment or refer you to the appropriate specialist.
This is certainly true. But, if you are looking for someone to help with musculoskeletal conditions you’ll want to head straight to a reputable orthopaedic surgeon Adelaide. Deciding when to make an appointment is easier than you think. If you have any of the following then you should be making an appointment to get yourself looked at:
Being stiff after spending a day digging in the garden or working out in the gym is to be expected. But, if you have unexplained stiffness or your stiffness hasn’t eased after several days, you may need help. It’s best to contact your orthopaedic doctor if the symptoms haven’t changed after 5-7 days.
You should also contact them if the stiffness is making it hard for you to perform your everyday tasks.
Chronic pain
Pain is never a good thing and unexplained pain comes with increased worry and stress. In most cases over the counter painkillers should help. But, if they are having no effect or the pain has lasted for longer than two weeks, you need to see your doctor.
Motion issues
As soon as you notice a decrease in your ability to do things, specifically your range of motion, you should contact the doctor. This will affect your quality of life and the sooner it s looked at the better.
Equally, if you are starting to feel unstable when standing or moving around then you need to get to your doctor and find out what is going wrong.
Soft tissue injuries
Soft tissue injuries are normal when you’re exercising or pushing the limits of your body. However, they should show signs of healing within 48 hours of the injury. If there is no obvious sign of improvement you’ll want to talk to your orthopaedic doctor and find out what is happening.
What Your Orthopedic Doctor Can Do
An orthopaedic doctor will examine you to identify the cause of the issue. This will usually involve a physical exam, x-rays, medical history, and potentially even an MRI. This will allow them to devise a treatment plan based on your condition.
The options available range from exercises to painkillers, and potentially surgery. Naturally, your doctor will talk you through all the options and help to ensure you are offered the best possible care.
In short, the sooner you make an appointment the faster it is to get back to living a high-quality life.