The Future Of Packaging Seems More Pressing By The Day
- Written by News Company

Packaging faces many threats in the future. Companies all need to pack their goods and ship them, but the changing tides of legislation and environmental controls, as well as the way we manufacture this is all seeming to be on the verge of change in the next ten years. Business leaders would do well to keep on top of these changes, ensuring that their firms are supported by the overhaul in our legal and manufacturing processes.
The future trends that are likely to impact packaging in general are as follows:Environmental Legislation
Societies at large are in the process of enacting environmental legislation to the point where.this can have vast implications for your entire production network. The European Union has suggested its intent to eliminate certain plastics from circulation by 2022, and the UK government has suggested this in kind. Not only that, but delivery is an important part of the packaging requirement, and with the slow phase-out of diesel engines by 2030, you can be sure that this will have a strong effect on the supply network of many businesses. Forward-thinking business leaders are already attempting to rectify these aims, and find more sustainable, rational solutions to the upcoming challenges of increased taxes and environmental burdens.
Automation has made strides in recent months. Predictions that self-driving cars are to become more autonomous threatens to wipe out one of the biggest employment sectors, that of the international delivery driver. Not only this, but your manufacturing line is sure to increase in its use of automation as machines become more complex, parsing more mathematical data between interactions, and maybe even long-form reasoning when faced with product quality decisions. Not only will this require you to know where to find statewide bearings and many other implements to adapt your production line to these forms of equipment, but they bring with them a range of ethical questions as to the use of staff, cost-cutting and maybe even sterilising the art of your product in the first place.
The Good News
There is some good news however. Packaging’s effect on the environment is a problem being actively worked on, and folks such as Boyan Slat are actively working on purifying the ocean through the use of vacuum all catchers. This potentially lessens the intensity and harm that previous plastics may have put on the environment. Also, many other sustainable products are being developed. For example, can ring lattices, notoriously known for catching fish and wildlife as an unintended consequence, are now available in forms of biodegradable material, and also materials that serve as acting feeding ingredients for those fish in the first place. This means that the free market has generated products that could potentially simply replace your problem materials in a uniform manner within no time at all.
Keep an eye on the future of packaging, and use the topics raised here to do so. If you’re a business leader, environmental activitst or simply a concerned citizen, there are changes to make and things to smile about.