Going Green: Is It High On Your Agenda?
- Written by News Company

Back in the nineties, going green was supposedly big on everybody’s agenda. The Earth Summit was held, and promises were made at government levels to support green initiatives. And years later, changes have been made. There have been attempts to cut down on carbon emissions on our roads. Alternative sources of energy have been sought. And we, as a world-wide population, have been made aware of the damage we are doing on a day-to-day level.
Surely then, going green should be high on all of our agendas today. Not necessarily.
There are those naysayers who say global warming isn’t as big a danger as environmentalists are claiming. According to this report by the Friends Of the Earth, the US President himself is on record as saying global warming is a hoax and has even threatened to pull out of climate negotiations and treaties. Thankfully, whether the statements about Trump are accurate or not, he, like many naysayers are in a minority. However, despite the warnings from environmental scientists, people are still not heeding the wakeup call for change.
The question is why. Why aren’t we taking the issues surrounding the damages to the environment more seriously? And when the word ‘we’ is used, that may or may not be central to you or the way you think on a global and local level. For all we know, you may have adopted green practices, and you may also play an active part in change, nationally or internationally. On the other hand, you may be one of the many people still not placing green issues high on your agenda. If so, there are any number of reasons for this. For example…
You may not care. Why should climate change and global warming matter to you? What is it to you if the earth’s wildlife is facing extinction? Why should you care about the acidification of the oceans? If the environmental problems don’t directly affect you, and if these things are liable to affect generations after yours, why should you make changes to the way you live your life?
You may feel overwhelmed. Can one person make a difference? As so much damage has already been done, it may seem as if your efforts to live differently are microscopic compared to the huge problems already befalling our planet. When the effort to make a difference appears insurmountable, then it’s easy to become defeated and do little, or nothing, as a result.
You struggle to change your ways. In theory, you appreciate the dangers the world faces, but when combating the threat, you may not be willing (or feel able) to change your habits. You may not be willing to buy food that is organic. You may not be willing to reduce your electricity consumption. You may not want to give up certain home luxuries, even though a rainforest may have been chopped down to provide you with the comfy seat you are sitting on. You may not want to ditch your car to go to work. If you are not being impacted directly, why change your ways at all?
You may be too busy. Yes, you could change the way you shop. You could petition your local government. You could spend time pursuing global issues. But if you have a family to run, a job to go to, and leisure activities to take part in, you may not have the time (or you may not be willing to make time) to get involved in global concerns.
You are burying your head in the sand. Every time a news story comes on your tv screen, every time you hear another doomsayer proclaiming the end of the world, and every time you hear somebody lecturing you on your bad habits, you choose to ignore the situation rather than let it stir you into action. With so many other things in your life to worry about, you are reluctant to let something so catastrophic fill your brain, as your already frayed mind wouldn’t be able to cope.
Does any of that sound familiar to you? If not, you need to know that those attitudes may still be common amongst some of the people you know. The truth is this. We are all responsible for the care of the earth, so every time one individual shirks their duty of care, that’s another person harming the earth, rather than protecting it. You see, one person can make a difference, no matter how small. But when so many individuals refuse to do something about the situation; when so many people deny/ignore/neglect green issues, then we are adding en mass to the problems the world faces.
So, where do you stand? Could you do more? Even if you don’t care about green issues, there are still reasons why you should, beyond protecting the environment. Considering your home life, you could make considerable financial savings if you implemented energy saving devices, water tanks, and added insulation within your property. You would no longer fear the mailman coming down the path, because of your energy-efficient habits. Then thinking about your place of work, there are advantages to working in an energy-efficient business. Again, money would be saved on most expenses, and the business would garner recognition from employees, customers, investors, and the wider populace, for its ethically minded practices. So, regardless of your concern for the world and its imminent collapse if needs are not met, there are reasons to adopt a greener lifestyle. Going beyond what we have already mentioned, going green will also…
Increase your home’s value, as today’s home buyers do place green values highly on their list of concerns, regardless of your opinion. Such things as solar panels, water-saving toilets, and smart thermostats, will improve the chances of your home’s sale.
Improve your health, as you will be breathing less pollutants from the air if you make an effort to ditch your car and change your habits at home. You will also face less stress from both a) the bills you have to pay because of your green habits, and b) having to listen to people like us going on at you all the time to change your ways!
Protect your children’s future, and their children, and so on. While going green may not be high on your agenda, it definitely will be on theirs if you don’t stop adding to the climate problem. You can educate your children now, encourage them to form good habits, and lead by example to secure their future on the earth, long after you have been swallowed up by the dirt yourself.

So, aside from saving the planet, there are other, valid reasons why you should do more on a daily level to lessen the damage on our fragile planet. Of course, you may be blameless. Unlike Trump and his cronies, unlike the people who blatantly ignore the world’s peril, you may be doing your bit, and for that, we thank you. However, like any of us, you could always do more. For example, you could…
Do more around the home, encouraging your family to follow greener habits, and leading by example yourself. Turn off those lights, unplug charged items, take less showers, and take part in activities that don’t rely on oodles of electricity. Revamp your home with eco-friendly technology, ditch anything that is wasting power, and try to be more self-sustainable than your possible consumerist lifestyle.
Spend more time raising issues, going online to voice your concerns. Petition the people in power, join a local environmentalist group, and talk to your friends and family about the green issues that should be relevant to them. When you see somebody throwing a plastic bottle on the street, when you see somebody buying an unethical product, and when you see anybody behaving in any way irresponsibly towards the environment, dare to say something, providing you aren’t putting yourself in any danger.
Keep an eye on the news, updating yourself to the changes that are taking place in the world. While there is much to worry about, there is also much to be celebrated, as you can take inspiration from those people who are making a difference to the world we live in. The worst thing you can do is ignore the issues inherent in the world, so have an open mindset, educate yourself, and make a conscious effort to act upon what you see and hear.
A few decades ago, the world’s leaders were confronted with the environmental concerns happening on a global level. Fears were raised and action was taken. As people, we were instructed to act responsibly, and the onus was placed on big businesses as well as those of us going about our daily lives. We were given the big picture, and despite the naysayers, our futures were foretold, unless changes were made. And many of us have taken up arms, on an individual and collective level. For many of us, going green is high on our agenda. But is it on yours? We hope so, for your sake, and for the sake of all mankind. Think about where you stand today, and if you can do more, then do so.