New Year's Resolutions: Breaking Bad Habits
- Written by News Company

Luckily, you only have to do this soul searching about once a year so get it over with right away to make the upcoming year a bit better.
Here is a handful of ways to help you out of your bad habits without making too much of a fuss about it. Breaking them won’t necessarily be easy but, as we know, it’s all about having the right mindset and being ready to start afresh when the new year arrives.
While breaking bad habits does have a lot to with willpower but it helps to understand why you continue to exercise them as well. Without this basic insight to yourself, it’s going to be rather difficult to find a suitable replacement.
When thinking about bad habits, you may be listing up the most common ones first: avoiding exercise, eating junk food, smoking cigarettes, and so on.
Keep in mind, however, that a bad habit can come in many forms and may be as mundane as sleeping ten minutes too much every morning or as unsettling as continuing to seek the same type of romantic partners even though you know they’re not good for you.
Take a long and hard look at yourself, first of all, and figure out why you’re doing what you’re doing. From there on, you can try to find ways to substitute your behaviour.
Setting specific goals
Now that you’ve gotten to know yourself a bit better, it’s time to map out a plan of action. Sure, telling yourself that you’d like to quit smoking or starting to exercise is great - but it’s not really achievable when you only have your eyes on the end goals.Take each step little by little and come up with more specific short-term goals; replace two cigarettes a day with a glass of water, for example, or going for a short jog a couple of times a week. Drill down on the concrete steps you need to take in order to get there and it won’t seem as daunting to get started - or to stick with it until the end.
You can start by having a look at Dry Herb, Wax and Oil Vaporizer Superstore, for example, and consider transitioning to vaping for just a couple of months in order to beat those cigarettes. Try to quit smoking by vaping until spring, but no longer, and challenge yourself to quit the vape as well before the summer.
These are the kinds of small and achievable goals that will get you to where you’d like to be, in the end. Although it’s important to stick with this, you should still try not to beat yourself up in case you have a few hiccups along the way.
Just start fresh the following morning and pretend like it never happened.
Image by: Pexels