
The Times Real Estate



  • Written by News Company

The smell of cigarette smoke is quite unpleasant. If you’re a smoker, you might not realize it, but it’s such a turn off for non-smokers. This odor can penetrate deep into anything - walls, curtains, clothes, furniture, even in your car. This is known as third-hand smoking. The best way to identify it is to ask a non-smoker friend to take a sniff. The cigarette smoke doesn’t only smell bad, but it’s really harmful to health as well.

A long-term way is to quit smoking, of course. But, if for some reason you’re unable to quit, here’s what else you can do to get rid of the toxic smoke;


  1. Removing cigarette smoke from your home

Nothing is more embarrassing if your guests are bothered by an unpleasant smell in your home.


  • Trash those butts

To remove cigarette smoke embedded in your interiors, you must make sure to dispose of all cigarette butts and clean the ashtrays thoroughly so that no sort of residue is left. Before throwing the butts, check if they are completely extinguished to prevent fire hazards.


  • Open the windows

Ventilating the house works wonders and is a quick way to get rid of cigarette odor. Just open all the windows and let the air do its work. The fresh air will replace the cigarette smoke in no time.


  • Detergents with fragrances

Get a surface cleaner or floor cleaner with infused fragrances. Use it to mop the tiles for a fresh-smelling home.


  • Get some extra fans

Place some extra fans near the windows so they can throw out the unwanted cigarette smell in a jiffy. You need to position the fans smartly to allow them to push the smoke out.


  • Air purifier to the rescue

Gift your home a good quality air purifier for smoke to get rid of all the toxins in the air. Your health should be your top priority, so invest in an air purifier and save your family’s lungs.


  • Sprinkle some baking soda

You must have heard of baking soda as an excellent cleaning agent for many purposes. But this ingredient works pretty well to eliminate cigarette odor as well. Just sprinkle a suitable amount to the surface that has a strong smoky smell, let it sit for a couple of hours and then vacuum it to clean. This technique works best for fabric-covered spaces like carpets or sofa.


  • Soak some cotton balls in your favorite scent

A great way to get rid of cigarette smoke is to soak some cotton balls in your favorite scent. It could be anything; a nice perfume, any fragrant essential oil, or even vanilla essence. Now place these cotton balls at random corners of the house and let the scent diffuse throughout the place.


  • Light some candles

Who doesn’t like the soothing smell of scented candles? To get rid of the cigarette smoke, light up some candles and allow them to diffuse the aroma all around the space.


  1. Removing cigarette smoke from your car

Not a smoker but just bought a car from a smoker? Your car can still stink of cigarette smoke. Here’s what you can do to get rid of the odor

Caution: smoking in the car can be hazardous


  • Clean the windshield

Every time you smoke a cigarette, you must clean the windshield of your car from the inside. This prevents the accumulation of odor inside your car and keeps it smelling fresh.


  • Let the smoke out

Whenever smoking inside your car, remember to keep the windows down. The ventilation will enable the smoke to get out of the car. It also reduces suffocation hazards.


  • Throw out the butts

Try not to hoard cigarette butts inside your car. By avoiding this, your car interiors will not absorb the smell, and therefore it will not smell after a smoking session.


  • Get an air freshener

Air fresheners or diffusers are a great way to cover up the smell of cigarette smoke. They can make your car smell amazing within seconds without any effort.


  1. Removing cigarette smoke from your clothes

You can protect your home or car from absorbing cigarette smoke by going out. But you can’t avoid getting the smoke absorbed in your clothes. Opt for the following ways to avoid a smelly closet;


  • Wash your clothes

Never put your smoky-odored clothes back in the closet without washing them. You can either pop them in the washing machine or give them a good wash manually to get rid of the smell.


  • Dryer sheets are your saviors

If you don’t have time to wash your clothes, just take a dryer sheet and rub it throughout your clothes and voila! No more cigarette smoke odor. You can use this trick for literally every article of clothing; even your shoes.


  • Deodorize your garments

Put a generous amount of deodorant, antiperspirant or perfume on your clothes to cover up the smell of cigarette smoke. Make sure to use strong fragrances as they can cover the odor better.


  1. Removing cigarette smoke from your breath

No one wants to be the person with bad breath. Smelling good isn’t enough if your mouth stinks. Say bye to smoky breath by using the following tips;


  • Mouthwash gargles

After brushing your teeth, take a suitable amount of mouthwash and gargle for 20 seconds. Mouthwash is packed with high amounts of mint that can eliminate the bad odor from your mouth, leaving it feeling super fresh. If possible, try to refresh the minty flavor in your mouth after smoking to keep the freshness intact. It also prevents your teeth from staining.


  • Chew on to some flavor

To get rid of the cigarette smoke quickly from your mouth, you can chew on gum, breath mints, any flavored hard candy or even cough drops.



Cigarette contains certain chemicals that can result in various health threats, including cancer, chronic bronchitis, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and severe asthma attack.

Luckily, the above ways are through which you can get rid of third-hand cigarette smoke from literally everywhere.