Tips For Buying In Bulk
- Written by News Company

For some time now I began to be interested in generating little or no plastic because of the huge pollution problem we are experiencing. We need to pay our utmost attention to this point before it becomes unmanageable and impossible to solve.
Buying in bulk, i.e. buying without the use of disposable plastics is a very good way to reduce the amount of waste we generate in our day to day. Without a doubt, it is an art, and I say it because even after the months, I still feel a little complicated when shopping, I know that I am in a learning process and I hope it will be more natural to me every time. Moreover, bulk buying groups are a great way to push yourself and get motivated into buying in bulk.
Why Buy In Bulk?
It is one of the smartest options to avoid generating less single-use packaging and therefore less waste.
It is ideal because it allows you to decide the amount you need at that time and not that the predefined one suits you. This also helps when deciding how much money we want to spend.
Buying without packaging leads us to consume more pure and nutritious food. We know exactly what we are buying and avoid additives or colored packages that distract us.
First Basic Tips
Reusable bags
To go shopping, either to a specialized store in bulk or to any market, we must carry reusable cloth bags. Any bag works in my case I have a couple of cloth bags of some craft that I bought and also made some with a piece of cloth from an old sheet. There are also some entrepreneurs who are responsible for making these bags reusing discarding fabric.
Something that works for me is to always have a folded bag made in a backpack or purse. Actually, I carry a small bag that contains several bags, a large one and other smaller ones in case I can think of buying something in bulk, with that I manage to avoid several bags.
A matter of tares, containers, and fans.
Not in all stores (markets, fruit shops, bakeries) take into account the tare of the bags that we can bring from outside, so these extra grams are added to the final account.
My method is that what I buy allows it to weigh loose things and then I put them in my bags (there is no smile that does not wean any face of surprise). For many others of smaller size and somewhat more difficult, as is the case with beans, cherry tomatoes, I use some bags made with fabrics that weigh almost nothing and ready.
Once at home, empty the contents in the corresponding containers so that they do not spoil.
We can also use toppers to make some more delicate purchases. Do not worry, I know it is plastic. The main difference is that it is washed and reused a huge number of times, they do not break in the transfer (as it would surely happen with a jar). However, the issue is that plastic is not a cuckoo, it is in many things, it only depends on our way of treating it if it ends well or badly.
And what about the rest of the things?
Of course, there are certain products that do not exist, at the moment, in bulk version and I buy them already packaged in stores. What I do try, as far as possible, is that the packaging material is made of glass, in order to take advantage of the containers and store everything purchased in bulk there. It can be a whole new sustainable lifestyle for some people.
Bottled water
In my city, water quality is not entirely good. Many people do not consume it directly or use it in the kitchen. There are some points where you can go to look for water from upwelling, which according to the municipality meets to be suitable for consumption but you cannot store it for a long time and you have to boil it. To be honest, it didn’t give me confidence either. I decided to buy a filter to install on the tap. I admit that it is expensive, but now I have the confidence to drink water as pure as possible within my possibilities and fill the bottles I need. I insist it is an important investment, but there are several financing options is a matter of priorities. This year we invest in the filter that gives us the quality of life, instead of giving us some tastes.
My trash speaks for me
Every time I open the garbage can of my house, I observe that there are still several things. I know that I have a long way to learn, but if I look at my situation a year ago, the thing has undoubtedly improved.
I need only one more detail regarding the garbage that is generated at home – not only plastic, there are many more things, such as organic remains. These go to compost or chickens. Cardboard, paper, batteries, and soda bottles go to the city’s eco-market. Just keep on searching to learn more about how to buy in bulk to understand it better.
Perfection, or the attempt to reach it, is not viable at all. Starting a project like this from scratch involves large doses of perseverance and learning, like everything in life. Not accepting that these first steps are free of errors or blunders will result in frustrations that will cause us to abandon the first exchange because we will see ourselves in a situation of continuous failure, and a servant tells you that dozens have happened times. The question is never to lose sight of intentionality, the reason for these actions.
The changes must be gradual: know your limits, start with the most basic and make it a habit; once assumed, then now you can spin even finer. Patience and persistence. Be flexible with yourself and write down those little things that you would like to change on your next visit to the market.