
Sunday, March 16, 2025 6:56:17 AM
The Times Real Estate



  • Written by News Company
Being eco-friendly has never been more important than it is right now. The world is falling apart quicker than it has ever done before, and we would be blind to ignore that. Literally blind, because the troubles we’re creating for this world are all around us. From the newly emerging health issues that are coming from the diets we’re eating and the atmosphere we live in, to the ice caps melting which are causing the sea levels to rise. It’s so easy to become complacent with the way that you’re living your life, and to ignore many of the issues that we know are circulating at the minute. As long as it’s not something that’s affecting your life directly, then it’s easy to push it to the back of your mind because there is no doubt a million and one things going on in your mind already. But all you have to do is turn on the news and you’ll find a story relating to it. Or scroll down social media and you’ll see the devastation that’s happening due to climate change. So, we’re going to talk you through some of the ways that you can promote eco-living, and hopefully become part of the worldwide movement that’s trying to combat climate change.

Go Waste-Free

Being more sustainable and going waste-free seems to be the trend of this year, and the end of last year. So many Instagrammers are trying to promote waste free-living, and what a great way to do it. Instagram has become one of the biggest ways to promote issues, especially those that have a ton of followers. But the point they’re making is good. All you have to do is buy some clear tubs and then visit a waste-free shop. You can fill your tubs with anything from cereal to rice, and it just saves so much cardboard and plastic which we know is clogging up our oceans as well as landfill sites. Landfill sites are the third biggest producer of methane gasses, which are toxic to humans as well as the environment. Yet we keep filling these sites up and wondering why the world is going as it is. So, search for your nearest waste-free shop. You’ll often find that you have to go into a city to find one which can be a pain, but we hope with better promotion and use of them, they’ll be in smaller towns and villages before we know it. Another tip for those of you who aren’t really conscious about climate change of the effect it’s having, is to make sure you’re recycling properly and always putting rubbish in the bin. We know that not everyone is wise enough to put their rubbish in the bin, and we know recycling gets ignored in many homes. Small changes to your living like this can make all the difference.

Access Water & Electricity Differently

Accessing water and electricity has never been easier. Rewind a hundred years ago and warm water for a bath was a luxury, and electricity was far from reliable. But now in recent years, we have turned to abuse such luxuries. Think about how often you leave the tap running to wash things up or think about how many long showers you have. Now think about the lights that you leave on around the home, and the plugs that you leave plugged in and switched on all day. For one household to do this is insignificant. But this is happening all over the world, not just nationally. Even when looking at the national figures, water, and electricity waste are so big. But there are ways that you can focus on accessing water and electricity differently to have a positive impact on the environment, such as using water tanks. Water tanks are a great way of collecting water that can then be filtered into the home and used as regular water. It’s just one way of saving a little bit of water, and it saves some money on the bills for you. A clean water tank is easy to find and can be purchased online and delivered to your home. As for electricity, the obvious answer is for you to get solar panels. Solar panels are expensive as an initial installment, but they work wonders for your home. You’ll be able to save so much on your electricity bills each month, and you’ll be doing your bit for the environment. The way that power plants harvest resources for electricity is one big factor for climate change.

Join Charity Movements

You may have seen the videos on the internet or on the news of protestors standing, or marching, and chanting their songs about climate change. But they’re the movements that are doing good for this world. Without the passion and the voice that such groups hold, we wouldn’t be actioning climate change as we are today. So, why not think about the many ways that you can also help. From joining activists marches, to simply donating to charities, there’s so much to do if you can get a passion about this. You could also do your bit to promote eco-living throughout the workplace, your family, and your friendship groups. Often people around you will not be so aware as to how they can live more eco-friendly. Tips such as sustainable living by using waste-free options is one you could easily promote.

Be Generally More Eco-Friendly

Finally, make some small changes to the way that you live your life that will allow you to be more eco-friendly. Walk or cycle to work rather than driving your car. Turn all of the lights off and plugs before you leave the house. Don’t leave the TV on all night. Have shorter showers and limit the number of baths that you’re having. If everyone in the world made small changes such as this, the world would be a far better place.