Why It’s Important to Practice Self-Care Throughout The Lockdown
- Written by News Company

In the last few years, you might have come across the term ‘self-care’. But what is it and why is it so important to practice? Self-care is something that you should always be doing and without it, you could unintentionally wreak havoc on your mental and physical wellbeing.
During the lockdown, everyone is having to get used to the new normal. A time when everyone has to stay inside, isolated from extended friends and family. Because of this, self-care is more important now more than ever. Before getting into the benefits you can reap from practising self-care at home when in quarantine, let’s first discuss exactly what it is.Self-Care: A Brief Definition
Self-care is a general term which encompasses every action that you take to help your emotional, mental and physical well-being. These actions could include one of the following, however, the techniques can differ person-to-person:
- * A pamper evening with a face mask, a hot bubble bath and candles.
- * An evening spent reading your favourite book in a quiet area of your home.
- * A walk outside in the fresh air to help clear the mind.
- * Connecting with friends and family (at this time it would be over a video call).
- * Maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle.
- * Ensuring that you’re taking all of the right medication, supplements, etc. (which you could get delivered during this time from www.chemistdirect.com.au)
The 4 Key Benefits of Self-Care
#1 - It Aids Your Mental Health
One of the main benefits that you can reap from self-care is the fact that it can help your mental health. During the lockdown, because you aren’t seeing family and you’re being forced to stay inside, you might start to feel low. To help combat this feeling, it’s vital that you do a self-care activity to assist with your mental health.
#2 - It Will Make You More Productive
#3 - It Improves Your Physical Health
By practising self-care throughout the lockdown, you’ll promote better physical health. As you’ll start to feel less stressed and on edge, your immune system starts to regenerate itself, leading to fewer headaches, upset stomachs and colds. This is vital during these times as you want your immune system to be as strong as possible.
#4 - It’s Gives Your Self-Esteem a Boost