Choosing Safe and Natural Remedies for Your Dogs Pain
- Written by News Company

Sometimes we can become so stuck in our busy and manic lives that we give little to no attention to our pets until it’s too late and they get ill or worse. Taking our pets for regular check-ups to the vet is one of the most fundamental things you should do as a dog owner.
It is stated that thousands of pets are taken to vets in the US, for an evaluation due to symptoms that include pain and inflammation from sicknesses and diseases that are only noticed once their Infront of the doctor.
Sometimes the signs are obvious that your pooch is uncomfortable or suffering, while other times his whining may be dismissed as a sign that he is hungry, or so you think. There are certain behaviors in pets that are obvious tell-tale signs indicating it is in pain and needs help. There have been studies done to measure the various levels of pain, on such being on this one.
Resorting to surgery as your first option is not always the best choice. Depending on what is causing the pain and inflammation, one should always try and opt for a non-surgical way to treat any animals, such as a natural or home remedies. If the need calls for surgery, this would be the vet’s decision.
On the interim, there are a few things you can do to take matters into your own hands and try and help your pooch out by lessening its pain and helping it to feel better. After all, you would take an aspirin if you had a headache or a muscle relaxant if you had inflammation in your muscles.
Signs That He Is in Pain
Before we jump into treating your little pup, let’s take a look at the signs that are obvious when he is in pain or discomfort. Usually, when dogs are in pain, they either show it or announce it. This means, as a dog owner you must always be observant of your pet and also listen to the sounds coming out of its mouth.
Sounds that it will make include whimpering, yelping, growling, howling or even snarling (when they lip go up on the edges), heavy panting or breathing sounds more on this can be found online for example
In terms of behaviors the signs to look out for will be, aggressive behaviors, being anti-social and staying in the corner, not eating or drinking normally, a change in their body posture including shaking or trembling, resent being touched or picked up, grumpy and snappy behaviors to name a few.
The rule of thumb is - Anything that seems out of the ordinary should be a sing that you need to take it for a checkup immediately, no matter how big or small. Don’t ever wait to chance.
Natural Remedies for The Dogs Pain
There are a few natural, safe, and non-toxic remedies that you can give your canine, some of these include:
1. Comfrey. This is a type of shrub that grows in parts of Europe, Asia, and North America and has been used for decades in medicinal products due to its healing properties. It contains a compound called rosmarinic acid which acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Mainly used by humans to treat rheumatic pain, it has now been added to pet food and diets too. One teaspoon of the oil, given twice a day, can ease discomfort and fight inflammation.
2. Cannabidiol (CBD) - Hemp Oil. The reason we put this one first on the list is due to its popularity, effectiveness, and close to nature as possible, advantages. Hundreds of studies done on this plant and its sub-species have revealed a lot of surprisingly beneficial uses for it. One of these contenders on the top of that list is to treat pain and inflammation in animals.
When introduced to the body in tincture or oil form, the endocannabinoid receptor system gets to work, positively affecting pain modulation and reducing any inflammation thereof. Pharmacological studies have had amazing results to show the efficiency behind introducing this compound to the body of both humans and pets, and in just inside of 30 minutes, relief comes, by taking one or two droplets full of CBD Oil – Cannabidiol Oil.
3. Yucca. Another native herb to South America. Used as a remedy to reduce inflammation and pain in both humans and animals, it contains saponins such as mefenamic acid which has been seen to help bring relief to painful swollen joints and muscles.
For any distressed pup, adding a drop or two of Hemp oil to their food or water can help bring positive relaxation and a stress-free quality of life. Using these natural or homeopathic medicines may just be what you’re looking for.