Connecting With Machines Made Easy
- Written by Alison Lurie

Have you ever stopped and took a brief moment to marvel at how technology has gotten us this far? You can see many kinds of technological advancements that contribute to society. Back then, you had to do every single thing manually. But with the golden age of technology, you can now turn off your electricity at home with a single push of a button on your phone while you’re not even at home.
It is what you would call an IoT, where almost every kind of object you can think of is connected to the internet. Usually, these things are machines that are also connected to the internet but can be remotely controlled either through a phone or through a computer. By now, you might know a few machines that can be operated remotely.
This article will help you get a better understanding of how some machines and how they are making people’s lives better.
The Internet of Things
The term “The Internet of Things” means that there are billions of physical devices around the earth that are connected to the internet. As long as the device can connect itself to the internet, it’s sharing and collecting data. You’ll be surprised that even a huge plane can be a part of the IoT.
Whatever device you can think of, provided it can connect to the internet, can be used by people without having to touch it physically. Nowadays, everyone has their own devices at home that they can effortlessly use all the time without even breaking a sweat. This is how technology shapes the world, so you have to keep up with the changing environment if you want to get an edge with everything you do.
How Is It Benefitting People?
Several devices can work automatically to do a routine task. For some, this is a huge convenience while for others, it can get annoying over time, especially if it’s not something that suits their way of living. A good example of an IoT is an alarm inside a house. You might need someone to go to your house and pick up something important for you. Some alarm systems need a code or fingerprint from the user to prevent the alarm from going off. But when your phone is connected to your house’s alarm system, you can shut it off without even having to tell your passcode to anyone.
Something as simple as turning off an alarm can greatly save your time, save your energy, and save you gas for your trip back to your house. There are so many things that technology has enabled people to do things where people in the past could have only dreamed of. Most machines or devices you see around you are usually wireless, which tells you a lot about how technology is so advanced these days. Even you can turn on a coffee maker before you get out of bed by connecting it to your home internet and using your phone to make coffee.
Technology is growing bigger and bigger, year after year, and learning about them can give you an edge every time something new comes out from the tech market. Knowing what’s new can potentially help you with your daily activities and make life so much easier.
Author Bio: Alison Lurie is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.