Self-Publishing is Now a Fast-Track Route to Become an Author
- Written by News Co

For those with dreams of one day becoming a published author, it can feel like somewhat of a pipe dream. Although it’s great to have goals, how realistic is it to think you’ll be able to publish a novel? It can be very difficult to get the support of an established publisher and sign that book deal, and without that deal it can feel like your dreams just aren’t a reality.
But before you cross that dream of becoming an author off your goals list, you may want to look into self-publishing. Self-publishing is picking up steam in the industry and offering a fast-track route to becoming an author.
Not Every Book Requires the Clout of a Publishing House
While it’s true that having the backing of a publishing house adds clout and authority to your title, the fact is that not everything you write needs that kind of backing. Let’s say you are writing a work of fiction - there really isn’t a need to have that authority backing you. Instead, it is about building your own following.
You Have Control Over the Cover Price
One of the first benefits in going down the route of self-publishing is the fact that you get full control over the cover price. You don't have a publishing house setting the price for you, which may be above or below where you want to be. You also have the freedom and flexibility to change the price at any time.
The Cover Art is Your Call
Did you know that cover art can also become an issue when working with a publisher? When you self-publish, you call the shots, you decide on the cover art, and you set the tone for your book.
Embrace Digital Means to Advertise Your Work
Because you don’t have a large publishing house behind you, marketing and advertising is going to be up to you. This is where things can get a little tricky, since self-published authors don’t often have an unlimited budget when it comes to advertising.
The great news is that digital marketing has really become the preferred and more effective means of advertising, and it can be extremely cost-effective. Setting up an account on each of the biggest social network platforms – Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook – gives you a chance to reach out to appeal to a huge amount of potential readers. You aren’t bound by physical location, as anyone can follow your accounts and keep up-to-date on your content.
One of the best digital tools to really spread the word though, is a professional looking website. There are a few ingredients to success, as author Juliana Sheikh showcases on her website,, which include listing your books of course, a short description of each book, links to where the book can be purchased, a short bio about the author, and any upcoming news and announcements. Each of these will help to create that professional look and feel, and will drum up interest in your work.
In reality, this is just a small look at the many reasons why self-publishing may be the right route for you. At the very least it can be worth looking into and researching further.