Reduce Your Plastic Consumption With These Simple Steps
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In today’s world, plastics can be found everywhere. Whether we like it or not, it is the most popular and commonly used material in a vast majority of industries. Thanks to its flexibility, durability, and affordable price tag – plastics are used for almost everything. Whether it’s for toys, electronics, or as a simple packaging material – it seems that we can’t get around the use of plastic anymore.
The main reasons why plastic is so popular lies in the fact that it’s easy and simple to produce and that the end product is extremely versatile. However, despite the production is simple and cheap, it also brings along major issues for the environment. The truth is that plastics are made from oil and chemicals. And all these materials are not very much environmentally friendly – at all. Besides, the majority of plastics are not fully recyclable or biodegradable. As such, the use of plastic creates a major problem in terms of waste. The truth is, even today, less than 7% of all plastics used annually are recycled. Therefore it’s not difficult to imagine the immense effect plastic use has on the environment. Added to that, the use of plastics furthermore bring along possible negative health effects.
Due to the negative effects that plastics have on our health and the environment, more and more people try to find ways in which they can reduce their plastic use. The truth is, however, that this is easier said than done. After all, plastics are found in almost every product nowadays and, thanks to the practical and commercial benefits of the material, there is little chance companies will stop using it any time soon. However, this does not mean that we can’t make a difference! Below, we have listed down 3 simple steps that help you in reducing your plastic waste.
1) Environmentally Friendly Packaging
When it comes to reducing plastic use, the most effective thing you can do is to search for alternative materials. Sadly enough, this may be more difficult than it seems when it comes to plastic. After all, plastic is used in the production of almost everything. This may make it seem an impossible task to live completely plastic-free, and we agree.
Luckily, however, there also are certain aspects of life that allow you to go plastic-free quite easily. Think for instance about packaging materials. You may not often think about it, but the vast majority of plastic waste we create is through the disposal of unnecessary packaging in which our products are stored. Think for instance about vegetables wrapped in plastics, cosmetics stored in plastic jars, and plastic water bottles. The vast majority of products we buy today are, completely unnecessarily, wrapped in plastic. As such, a very effective way in which you can reduce your plastic waste production is to use products that come in alternative forms of packaging. Hereby you can think about aluminum bottles and tin containers, or glass bottles and jars. These types of packaging materials are highly sustainable, recyclable, and environmentally friendly. In some cases, it may even be possible to reduce the need for packaging altogether. Simply bring your glass jar or tin container to a store and fill them up with the items you need. You can also bring them to a restaurant when you go out for dinner in case there will be leftovers.
2) Reuse Your Items
Even after you have found a suitable alternative for plastic packaging, there is another risk that may affect our environment: waste. Sure, some materials such as glass and aluminum are recyclable and do not harm the environment as much as plastics. But wouldn’t it be great if we could cut down our waste production altogether? One simple way to do so is by reusing your items.
Think for instance about shopping bags. The first step you could take here is to reject using a plastic bag and to choose a more environmentally friendly option instead. After all, plastic bags are among the top polluters in this world and they take over 1000 years to degrade in nature. Therefore, we would advise you to use an alternative such as a canvas bag. Secondly, and just as important, once you have found your alternative bag – reuse it! Who said that you can only use a bag once? Simply stick to one or two large shopping bags and always bring them along when you go grocery shopping. By bringing your own bags and reusing them, you will significantly reduce your impact on the environment.
Besides bags, there are tons of other items that can be reused. Think for example about re-usable razors, water bottles, soap jars, lunch containers, and even baby diapers. Water bottles, for example, can be easily refilled after use. After all, in most countries, we can drink the water from the tab so there is no need to buy a new bottle every day. When it comes to lunch at work, try to bring your own (reusable) non-plastic lunch box from home. Not only is this better for the environment, but also your health. Concerning baby diapers, we’d advise you to use diapers made from cloth instead of the traditional disposable diapers. Many of us may not know it, but baby diapers are one of the largest polluters in the world with an estimate of 7.6 billion pounds of waste every year in the USA alone! By using washable and reusable cloth diapers, you can significantly cut down on your environmental footprint and save some big money at the same time. And just like that, there are plenty of other reusable alternatives that can help you in reducing waste and saving money.
3) Find Alternatives For Non-Reusable Items
Sure, we also understand that not every item that we use can be reused. Think for instance about the common straws we get in a restaurant, regular lighters, etc. When it comes to such items, the best thing you can do is to look for environmentally-friendly and plastic-free alternatives. Instead of using cheap plastic lighters, use wooden matches. Instead of using plastic straws, use paper straws or simply drink from the cup directly. Also, it’s advised to eat less frozen foods as these are major polluters when it comes to plastic waste. Simply cooking by yourself with fresh ingredients helps you to significantly cut down on plastic consumption. Last but not least, try to stay away from chewing gum as this also is made from a synthetic rubber that is plastic. Instead, have some breath mints that have the same effect. Just be aware that these mints come in a tin container rather than a plastic wrapping