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The home’s windows provide a barrier between its occupants and the extremities. However, many Aussie homes were built using outdated, lower quality glass that is susceptible to breakage.

But this isn’t the only reason you might need glass repair, as cracked glass can also allow in outside temperatures that could adversely affect your home’s comfort.

If you’ve been thinking about utilising the best window glass repairs Melbourne has to offer, here are some reasons you can’t overlook its benefits!

  1. Your window is cracked

Sure, a cracked window may not look like much. You see it sitting there, notice it has incurred a particular impact and there is a little strand of cracked glass seeping its way up the window.

This may not look like much at the time, but even the smallest of cracks can easily exacerbate into something worse, eventually leading to the window ultimately breaking.

You don’t want this to happen, especially if there is the chance that a family member could be under that window when it happens! So, if you’ve found that your window has experienced even a small crack it might be a very good idea to get it repaired (if not replaced).

  1. Your damaged window is affecting the home’s comfort

Another major pitfall of a damaged window is the way it can allow outside temperatures to adversely affect the home’s comfort. Melbourne summers can be toasty and our winters icy, and there is nothing worse than sweltering on a 40 degree day or freezing through a 12 degree one - so it’s best not to allow a damaged window to make that happen.

We all want our home to be the source of comfort and respite from the hussle as well as the extremities - this is why we build homes in the first place!

However, if your home has a damaged window, especially one that allows outside temperatures to impact on the home’s comfort, then it is time to enlist the services of a professional glazier. They can repair (or replace) a cracked or damaged window so that the home isn’t susceptible to the outside’s frightful temperatures.

  1. The damaged window is messing with your home’s energy efficiency

In the same way that a damaged window can really mess with your home’s temperature it can also mess with its energy efficiency. There is nothing worse than paying hundreds extra in bills for things like wasted power, and this can easily occur if your home is allowing air conditioning or heating to simply float out through a damaged window.

What to do? Call your glazier - they will come to your home, inspect the damage and provide a full repair service that ensures your home isn’t susceptible to wasting power which is bad for the environment as well as your hip pocket! JRC Glass, the expert Glazier Brisbane, recommend to choose a professional local glazier to replace your glass windows, rather than hiring a handyman. This ensures installation is held to industry standards and your windows are fitted at the highest quality.

  1. Repaired glass reduces risk of condensation

Condensation may seem like one of those innocuous things. Sure, it’s just a bit damp, no biggie! However, if the damp is allowed to build up in the for too long, it can soon become mouldy, something that can cause a raft of health problems for home occupants.

Your professional glazier will fix the window so that it is not a place that is susceptible to the pitfalls of condensation which can then lead to risky mould forming in the home!

If you have experienced any of the above-problems with your window, then it is certainly time to think for home renovation, time to call professional glazier.