The best costumes to wear based on horror films
- Written by Blossom Costumes

If you haven’t already started planning your Halloween costume yet, you probably should get onto it – the spooking season is just around the corner. To add a little nostalgia to your ghouls, we’ve put together some of the best costume ideas to wear, based on Horror Films. We’ve scanned back over 30 years to find the inspiration which could leave your friends with a chill down their spine, or brain freeze trying to figure out what kind of hellish character you are.
Freddy Kruger
Now, if you’re over 35, you’ll probably remember firsthand cowering under the covers watching this one. It was enough to make you so scared you couldn’t sleep at night, with its abundance of haunted bed scenes. But of course, the scariest vilest thing of all, was the man with razor blade fingernails and skin so burnt, it looked melted – the infamous Freddie Kruger.
Hannibal Lecter
If you’ve invited an old friend over for dinner, now might be the time to dress up as this old-friend-eating serial killer. The mask and straight jacket will make it an instantly recognisable effort.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Leather Face. A symbol of the 70s-horror classic, presented as a true story but it was in fact fiction. Phew. Released in 1974, its stood the test of time and is just as harrowing now, as it was back then.
The Bride of Frankenstein
She’s alive!! Now this is the one to go for if you want to be spooky but striking at the same time. Everything from your dress to your make-up will need to be chosen to look tragically beautiful, as you become the creature that rejected Frankenstein – and ultimately caused his death.
WARNING: This 90s-teen slasher movie may cause feelings of intense nostalgia amongst anyone above the age of 30. So many ideas for costumes here – big old-fashioned handsets, the iconic mask, high school students. This was a movie with a great twist and lots of jumpy bits.
This movie was/is the ultimate anti-bullying ad. A high school student who’s pushed to the edge by her tormentors, develops telekinetic powers. It’s based on a Stephen King novel, so you know it will be both scary and known. And if you decide to go as Carrie from the final scene, you’ll need blood. Lots of blood.
The Poltergeist
This caused a lot of upset when it was released, with marches and demonstrations outside cinemas. It’s another 70s classic. Think possessed children with turning heads and a creepy old guy.
The Blair Witch Project
This was made terrifying by the rawness of the camera work. A group of documentary makers go into the forest and get taken one-by-one. This is great one for minimum effort, maximum effect. Lots of flannel shirts and beanie hats.
Now this wouldn’t be a Halloween post if we didn’t mention this particular Stephen King classic. With its recent remake, it’s fresh in everyone’s mind and the costumes have got more and more creepy. Brrrrr sends shivers down the spine just thinking about it.
Shaun Of The Dead
Now, if all this has proven too scary for you and you’d rather go a little more tongue in cheek, then this movie would be the one. Still full of blood and guts but seriously funny stuff. A much more light-hearted take on a zombie apocalypse.
Article provided by Blossom Costumes