
The Times Real Estate


Post Voices

  • Written by Dr Robert R. Owens

It’s time to take the gloves off.  For decades I have been writing that the Progressives who have ruled our nation since 1988 have been using every tactic at their disposal to transform America from the indispensable nation to a disposable dystopia.  I have railed against the open border mass immigration importation of Democrat voters that has swamped our culture and warped our electoral process. 

I have long believed we have passed the tipping point and the reason I keep on is so that when my grandchildren turn to their children living in a third world hell hole that was once the richest most powerful nation on earth they can say, “At least your Great Grandfather tried to let people know what was coming.”  For this reason I have written the History of the Future.  For this reason I ran a quixotic campaign for the Virginia State Senate in a gerrymandered district that was drawn for and belonged to a man famous for attending less than fifty percent of the Senate’s meetings and sleeping through much of those.  I won every vote that was not his by birth and lost by two to one.  However in that campaign I was free to say the things politicians can never say. 

I told people that it was time for the States to stand up and bring federalism back from the brink of extinction.  That it was time to demand real money instead of fiat currency that destined to bring us to financial ruin.  I told them that it was time to declare English the official language for education, ballots, and government forms.  I called for a ten year moratorium on all immigration so that those who were already here legally could be assimilated.  I called for a vigorous enforcement of the laws against hiring illegals with massive fines for anyone who violated them.  Coupling this lack of work with a denial of all government benefits so that our illegal population would self deport and go home.  I called for the imposition of a 10% tariff on imported manufactured goods so that the native industries could be protected and the income could fund tax cuts for Americans. 

That was my platform.  It was well received and well supported outside the areas of the district where public support was not the major industry.  It went down to a rousing defeat. 

Over the years anyone who has read this column knows that I have called the two government parties two sides of the same coin and two heads on the same bird of prey.  I have pointed out that no matter which party is in power we end up with a bigger federal government, more laws, more taxes and more undocumented democrats.  Signaling that we have passed the tipping point in 2012 we re-elected the biggest spending president in American History in the midst of  a recession he has successfully turned into the New Normal whose actual platform was a bigger federal government, more laws, more taxes, and more undocumented democrats.  The handwriting isn’t on the wall, because there is no wall, because the executive branch has refused to build it even though the legislative branch mandated it and funded it.  The handwriting is in columns like this and in the works of Pat Buchanan, Anne Coulter, Mark Steyn, and the words of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and countless other watchmen on the walls. 

However, even though Americans have and are listening. Conservative radio talk is ubiquitous; Fox has buried CNN and MSNBC.  Coulter, Styen, Levin, and many others write multiple best sellers.  The documentaries of Dinesh D'Souza break box office records.  Yet the political class continues to be re-elected to rule exactly in the opposite direction.   

Socialism is dying everywhere in the world except in America.  Our progressive conquerors use the agencies of the imperial executive branch to harass, tax, prosecute, and spy.  We are watched, regulated and held back at every step.  They have used free trade to export our manufacturing base changing us from the arsenal of democracy into the marketplace for a communist dictatorship.  Crony capitalists walk away with billions, billions more disappear in federal rounding errors, and banks are bailed out as the Creature from Jekyll Island inflates bubble after bubble. 

It isn’t time to roll over and go back to sleep.  People woke up in 2010 when the Tea Party was born.  I was there at the birth.  I went to the rallies.  I spoke at the meetings.  I attended the conventions and supported the candidates that swept the House in 2010.  What happened?  Those brave new world conservatives that had just turned out Nancy Pelosi went to Washington, voted to make John Boehner the Speaker of the House, renewed the Patriot Act, and then passed continuing resolution after continuing resolution to keep the money rolling and the government growing. 

Knowing what was coming I wrote and published The Constitution Failed in October of 2010, which is a book many people still reject merely because of the title.  They erroneously think I am saying the document itself is a failure or that it was flawed from the beginning when what I am really saying is the execution of it has failed.  The thumbnail sketch being, “If the Constitution was written for the express purpose of giving us a limited government and we now have an unlimited government it has failed.”   

I am not saying that it didn’t bring us the most freedom and the greatest opportunities any people in the History of the world have ever had.  It did.  I am not saying that it didn’t allow America to rise from 13 struggling states on the edge of the world to the greatest nation History has ever known.  It did.  What I am saying is that if our founding document guarantees us a limited government, individual freedom, and economic opportunity, and we are now laboring in the Progressives New Normal as the NSA watches our every move and listens to our every conversation something is very wrong here. 

Everywhere I go and everyone I speak to seems to know intuitively how to solve our problems.  Seal the border, cut off the free meals, and the illegal immigration problem will solve itself.  Stop immigration long enough for the millions of legal immigrants to become culturally American.  We all came from somewhere else, and after a generation, or at most two, we are all Americans because the old melting pot was allowed to work instead of the Progressive smelting pot that is Balkanizing America.  Everyone can see we need to protect our industry and do everything we can to foster its resurgence.  Everyone knows we need more domestic energy not less, less regulation not more, and that the healthcare system was healthier and more affordable before the Affordable Care Act. 

Everyone everywhere can see these things, or at least a vast majority of native born Americans can.  Yet does anyone honestly believe that the perpetually re-elected or their carbon copy replacements are going to shut down the nomenclature in OZ, the casino in New York, or the giveaway to China?  Everyone everywhere can see we are on a crash course to nowhere on the express to the dustbin of History.  The best people can say is it will last long enough for them to continue living the high life.  

This is not the case.  I began this plea by saying it’s time to take the gloves off and it is.  The economy is heading for the biggest crash we have ever known.  Our foreign policy or lack thereof is leading us to international humiliation.  The immigration invasion is leading us to the third world.   

Believing that once a people lose their freedom there is no way to restore it by internal means without a complete collapse of the ruling superstructure as happened in the Soviet Union I am soon bringing out a new book, Political Action Follows Political Philosophy.  While every author hopes his books will sell, this is a book I plant as seed for our descendants. It is a distillation of the Enlightenment political theory upon which our freedoms and our Constitution were founded as expressed against the background of the events which led to their demise: The History of the Future

As I close today I pray for the freedom of all, and I counsel: keep the peace, keep the faith, we shall overcome. 

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2015 Contact Dr. Owens  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens


It isn’t time to roll over and go back to sleep.


Immigration, Dr. Robert Owens, Progressive agenda, Obama agenda, economic collapse, Tea Party, border fence, illegal immigration, undocumented immigrants, undocumented democrats, IRS harassment, taxes, regulations