Most Used Tips On How To Choose The Best Steak
The steak. Almost a staple in our diets. However, not all steaks are created equal, there are those delicious steaks, and then there are the godly tasting steaks. Knowing the subtle differences can mean having the best steak you ever tasted or chewing on a piece of rubber. Of course, preparation and intricate knowledge of cooking steak will matter, but great cooking steak comes and starts from the kind of steak itself. There are many kinds of steak, and it takes years of experience to know a good one just by sight. Take a look at some tips on how to choose a great steak, and make your steak coming out like something from a five-star restaurant. Continue the good read below.
The Color
Beef should be of a bright cherry color. When packaged or in a sealed bag, beef should be a darker or purplish red. The cherry red color comes when the meat interacts with oxygen in the air. However, change in the color alone will not mean that the meat is spoiled or no longer good, it has to be accompanied by slimy coating on the meat and in cases like this those should no longer be used. The place where you bought it from matters as well, which is why always source your meat from reputable places like, who offer only the best meat products available.
While looking at each steak carefully for that color, also look at how the fat is distributed all over the meat. You would want the steak with a lot of marbling. Those white specks all over the meat are like little specks of flavoring. They do melt away when you cook the meat and it just adds to the flavor of the steak.
How It Is Packaged
Look for beef that has no water on the bottom of its tray when being displayed at the supermarket. Avoid packaging with tears and the meat should appear moist and not wet. Cut edges should be even and smooth and not ragged. When you give it a tentative press, it should be firm and cold to the touch.
What Kind Of Steak Is It?
You will see labels like "enhanced", which means that the meat has been subjected to additives, such as flavoring, tenderizer or a salt solution. Another label you will see would be "natural" beef, this means that the meat in question has no preservatives or any additives. "Organic" beef means that no growth hormones or genetic manipulation have been made for the cattle producing the meat. These cattle have access to pasture and only fed organic food. Organic food that is fed to cattle will produce the best-tasting beef with the tenderness to boot.