One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution by Mahboob A. Khawaja

Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD in interdisciplinary Social Science (Syracuse University, New York, USA), an academia and international scholar believes in One Global Humanity living peacefully on One Earth and shares new ideas and vision for change and critical thinking action to transform the obsolete global systems of thinking and governance into remaking of global peace, security and conflict resolution. While science and technology has advanced immensely the human thoughts, pleasure-seeking sports and entertainment, comforts and lifestyles, the mankind remains disconnected to the imperatives of its own origin, purpose of life and relationships to the Nature of Things within a splendid Universe. The 21st century of knowledge and advanced artificial intellect, the Nation States, global institutions and large segments of the humanity live as if they do not belong to the Earth and continued to undermine the viability of peaceful co-existence in complete violations of the basic norms of understanding and living in harmony within the natural environment. The author reminds the global political elite and institutions of reasoned vulnerability to avoid indifference, ignorance and arrogance in the conduct of global affairs and to return to foment human relations based on human equality, justice, solidarity and freedom for all.
One Global Humanity – the concept articulates an enlightened vision of globalization of the people, by the people and for the people. To avert the coming of a Third World War, the book envisions the transformational change of global politics and sustainable future for One Global Humanity and calls it ‘The Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Management.’
“Globalization of the People, by the People and for the People.” Success is power of visualization and affirmation by doing the best asserts the author. Rejecting cynicism and contemporary political quagmire, Dr. Khawaja offers a new vision of One Global Humanity – the globalization of the people, by the people and for the people – a revulsion against the contemporary standardized norms of global systems of thinking, institutions, peace and security and focusing on global capacity-rebuilding of human communication, systematic institutions and accountability with decent progressive normalization of global society; and transforming superpower’s indifference and political chaos into peaceful co-existence and security for all.
Could the obsolete 20th century engineered thoughts, facts, figures and systems foster “change” in an informed age of knowledge and innovation of the 21st century informed global community? We are witnessing a world order completely devoid of broken dreams, ideals and sense of truth and political accountability. The speculative economic theories and money making stock markets do not change the destiny of people and nations. The global challenges demand realism and responsible rethinking for planned change. Destiny and future making are always timeless moving and young phenomena with inner evolutionary spirit seeking new and creative horizons beyond the obvious. The contemporary world is fraught with man-made problems unfolding ignorance, exploitation of the Nature of Things, political indifference and wars against the humanity, wars on moral and socio-cultural and spiritual values and the larger universe in which we breathe and maintain our hopes for the future. But the earth is continuously an abject of destruction by wars and weapons of mass destruction, global warming, and greenhouse gases, rising temperature and depleting natural resources affecting the entire spectrum of human existence and survival on this planet. What is being destroyed was not created or built by the human beings, institutions or the world governments. We, the people of the globe must ponder at our own ways of thinking and human priorities, hegemonic control of the natural resources, exploitative policies and practices and to discover workable solutions to ensure the sustainability of our future on Earth.
The author highlights current global topics in the following chapters of particular interest to academics, researchers, global thinkers and scholars. Dr. Khawaja shares knowledge-based experience and passion to articulate innovative approaches to peace, security and conflict resolution -- all contributing to the importance of One Global Humanity:
How to Cope with the Emerging Global Crises? A Test of Human Ingenuity or a Challenge to our Intellectual Strength
Western Political Leaders used a False Theory of the ‘Clash of Civilizations” to Terrorize the Muslim World
From City States to Nation States: Humanity Searches for Imperatives of Change and A Sustainable Future
The Global Community, Time and Opportunities Call Israel and Palestine to Concrete Action to Finalize the Two-State Peace Deal
Man, Humanity, the Universe and the Earth are interconnected –Global Warming and Greenhouse Problems represent Human Ignorance
Humanity and the Universe Co-exist in Mathematical Order. Do We Understand the Intricate Relationships for Global Peace and Security?
Towards Understanding Mankind, the Earth and the Universe that We Live In
Global Thinking and Rethinking: Emerging Models of a New Rationality to Combat Human Ignorance and Arrogance in Global Affairs
While all the laws that regulate the universe are not understandable by human thoughts, reason and perceptions, do we possess enough verifiable knowledge to understand our own origin, physiology and working systems within the human construct – both material and spiritual? We, the people of the globe, must ponder our ways of thinking and human priorities, hegemonic control of the natural resources, exploitative policies and practices and to discover workable solutions that ensure the sustainability of our future on Earth.