The Evolution of Mediterranean Cuisine

Mediterranean cuisine is the quintessential embodiment of natural, nutritious, refreshing, and healthy food and has been repeatedly demonstrated to provide a wide range of health benefits. In 2020, the Mediterranean diet was nominated as the best diet by the U.S. News and World Report for the third consecutive year.
Continue reading to discover the evolution of Mediterranean cuisine from its humble beginnings to its current status as one of the most popular cuisines throughout the United Kingdom and the western world as a whole.
Humble Beginnings
Mediterranean cuisine, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, originates from between the third and fourth centuries in Ancient Egypt, which made use of fresh fruits and vegetables from the Nile Valley and the River Delta. During the eighth century, the Moors populated a significant proportion of the Spanish peninsula and later introduced a wide range of spices and citrus fruits which gradually made their way to the region around the Mediterranean Sea.
However, the embodiment of Mediterranean cuisine that we know of today only came into mainstream popularity at the beginning of the 1960s. To experience authentic Mediterranean cuisine, book a table at an established and family-run eatery such as café and experience for yourself the rich diversity and fabulous flavors on offer. If you are going to try this cuisine for the first time, you want to make sure it is the best of the best.
Cultural Variation and Diversity
One of the beauties of Mediterranean cuisine is the rich and glorious diversity found in different countries’ interpretations depending on the geographical location. Different to other cuisines, Mediterranean food isn’t just based on one ethnic culture, but a variety of different cultures all centered around the regions on the Mediterranean Sea. The majority of traditional Mediterranean cuisine comes from Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and the south of France.
Mediterranean food has a multitude of health benefits, most of which have been scientifically proven by in-depth studies through the years and is another principal reason why such foods have steadily grown in popularity over the years. One of the most sizeable benefits of the regular consumption of Mediterranean cuisine is the reduction in the risk of certain cancers and heart disease, a reduced chance of diabetes as well as a decrease in blood sugar levels.
Fundamental Elements of Mediterranean Cuisine
No matter the geographical location, olive oil is a staple of the Mediterranean diet and a crucial component of every dish, specifically extra virgin olive oil. Individuals who regularly include olive oil in their meals tend to display a remarkable variety of health benefits and, additionally, the addition of extra virgin olive oil in one’s diet can quickly satisfy and even banish the onset of hunger cravings after a meal. The main element of olive oil is oleic acid, which helps lower your LDL cholesterol and help boost your HDL cholesterol which can help prevent heart disease.
The other main components of Mediterranean food include fresh fruits and vegetables, seafood and fresh fish, whole grains, bread, beans, pasts and nuts, and controlled amounts of eggs, cheese, chicken, and yogurts, the latter of which made from goat’s milk.