A Crash Course For Staying Safe On Foreign Roads
- Written by News Company
Navigating public transport in a different country can be a nightmare. You need to deal with language barriers and ignorance about where you are. In time, you'll be stressed and spending fortune on tickets for the wrong bus. When you think about it that way, it’s a no-brainer to get a car rental and avoid the issue altogether. With a car parked outside your hotel, you can hop in and head off without needing to think twice. Can’t you?
Sorry to break it to you, but maybe not. Though getting a rental can, undeniably, save a lot of stress, it comes with obstacles. If you don’t prepare, you could find yourself in trouble. In extreme cases, you can even put your lives and those of other drivers at risk. Does that mean renting should be off your cards? Of course not. But, there are crucial steps you should take to keep safe. Read on to find out what they are.
Research the rules
Before you get on that plane, research the rules of the road in your country of choice. Failure to inform yourself here could be your undoing straight off. Make sure that you look at everything from speed limitations, to which side of the road you’ll be driving on. Check, too, small quirks which are specific to the roads of your country. If you know your facts, you’ll be able to drive legally, thus freeing yourself up to contact a lawyer to clear up any car accident issues you do face. Not to mention that you won’t need to put your life at risk each time you head out.

Get used to wrong-side driving
Driving on the wrong side of the road will likely be the most extreme difference you have to face. This is where a lot of drivers go wrong. Worse, mistakes here can get pretty dangerous. Driving on what is, to you, the right side of the road is dangerous for obvious reasons. Even if you know to drive on the wrong side, you could wobble and falter, and cause a crash that way. Make sure neither happens by adjusting to wrong-side driving before embarking on a trip. Your hotel car park is an excellent place to start. Once you’ve adjusted to your new controls, you could drive around the block a few times to make sure. Only then should you attempt a longer trip.
Google map your routes
It’s also worth noting that roads in foreign countries aren’t always what we expect. In some areas, a dirt track is the best you can hope for. And, if you aren’t prepared, that could fast become dangerous. Make sure it doesn’t happen by Google mapping your route for the day ahead of time. This way, you’ll be able to see which roads you’ll be driving on, and get a feel for how fast you should drive before you’re there. It’s a small step for you, but it could be a giant leap for your road safety.