
The Times Real Estate



  • Written by News Company

Everyone’s working day can drag but does it drag every day? Low morale amongst employees in the office environment is big problem these days. In fact, a recent poll found that just 24% of Australian employees feel engaged in their roles, and some workplaces are not doing much to challenge this statistic.

It’s the responsibility of business owners to acknowledge that a lack of engagement can lead to a decline in morale. Long term, research demonstrates that this has a knock-on effect on the rate of productivity in staff. Let’s look at the topic further, covering some great ways to keep staff engaged and motivated.

Does your staff experience ‘clock watcher syndrome’ regularly?

Businesses need to recognise that this issue will only continue to plague staff with office unhappiness, and measures should be implemented into our workspaces to help promote positivity and wellness amongst the workforce. It was revealed that one third of Australian employees live with a form of mental illness, a truly staggering find which is indicative of the need to home in on how we value morale, and how to improve it.

Want to put the stride back into your employee’s commute? Make your staff look forward to arriving at the office each morning and combat the ‘clock watcher syndrome’ with these innovative ways to boost office morale.

Focus on increasing the overall wellness of your employees

So many offices are choosing to add wellness facilities to their premises, and while it may seem like costly addition, the pay-off from it could be remarkable. Almost a third of Aussies are not getting enough exercise, a key element to not just bodily health but also mental wellbeing. While exercising, the body produces chemicals including endorphins and serotonin, which promote that ‘feel-good’ feeling that is so heavily associated with exercise. If an employee could exercise at some point during or before the working day began, they would benefit from this boost and it would pave the way for an increase in productivity and morale. Many workers get bogged down with their tasks, but by dedicating some time for wellness, the employee benefits from extra energy. Exercise also contributes to supporting a good sleeping pattern, so your staff are more likely to arrive in the morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Often, an office gym is also viewed as a perk for existing employees and it can help to entice new recruits. Further to this, introducing initiatives such as lunch time yoga classes or meditation sessions can relax your employees, and generate a sense of community.

Allow dogs into the office space

Dogs are great. Dogs are proven stress-relievers, they encourage healthy living and they are a great way to bring the team together. Office dogs are already commonplace in work spaces across the nation, and the benefits they bring to the environment are unique. The stress alleviating abilities of dogs have been proven in a multitude of studies, which often refer to the impact they have on reducing the level of cortisol in humans, the hormone which causes stress. Frequent exposure to these hormones can lead to heightened cholesterol levels and hypertension further down the line, demonstrating the value in having a dog around. By having a permanent office dog or allowing employees to bring their own pets to work, the general mood and productivity of the office is enhanced… unless you work with allergy sufferers!

Introduce a staff app to encourage more engagement

A great way to keep employees up-to date with office goings on and work-related news is by creating a smartphone application. These interactive methods could help to challenge any difficulties in office communication, a major contributor to workplace discontent. The app could be used to provide a calendar, with meeting reminders and links to useful information or social events, or even to celebrate team achievements. Employees could be responsible for generating content on their staff app, distributing it amongst their colleague’s, which can help to promote a sense of openness in the workplace. A staff app can be an informal way to boost employee engagement, by getting everyone involved in a format that employees are familiar with!

Generate more team building activities

Team building can be brilliant when done correctly. It doesn’t have to spur your employees into generating one million reasons why they can’t attend, if you go about it the right way. Gone are the days of awkward staff evenings at the local bar, to arrange a successful team building event you have to think outside of the box. Adventure rooms are one of the most popular emerging trends, where a team hunts for clues in a closed space, solving puzzles to escape before time runs out. These experiences can get everyone involved, and while boosting morale you might also find some of your most valuable problem solvers. Or alternatively, take things back to basics and hold an old-school games night. Get some vintage board games into the office and enjoy beers or soft drinks (out of hours, obviously!), a fun activity which enables everyone to get to know each other better. Link building within your team is a further element in creating a great work culture, and something as simple as this could spark up new office friendships.

There are many ways to boost morale, and they don’t have to be limited to the office. Show your team some appreciation and invest in their wellbeing, and the benefits will be felt within your business.


Article brought to you by a leading Australian brochure printing company, Where The Trade Buys Print.

